“Let me go!” LilyPichu gets hard carried by Michael Reeves

LilyPichu was hard carried by Michael Reeves
LilyPichu and Michael Reeves are probably the most famous couple in the streaming industry. Their streams together are equal parts hilarious and adorable. Lily is known to bully Michael and even threatened to sue him once and Michael just laughs at these futile attempts. Recently on stream she was literally hard carried by Michael while her stream was on and Michael turned the tables on her and bullied her instead for once.
Read: Find out more about Lily wanting to sue Michael here!
What did Michael do to LilyPichu on the stream?
Michael entered Lily’s room whilst carrying her. “Let me go, Let me go!” Lily kept shoutiung at him, but her request fell on def ears. He finally dropped her on her bed after which she made a weird sound. “Lily comes up to my room” Michael said as he looked the chat dead in the eye, “She says Michael I know you are working on things but I hate you!”

Read: Find out why LilyPichu wanted to sue Michael Reeves here!
How did she react to Michael’s accusation?
“I never said that!” Lily said while she was begging Michael to stop with the accusations. Michael was trying to tell her something but it was all defend under Lily’s constant “I never said that” as she jumped on her bed while holding Michael’s hands. “Ok fine!” Michael said finally caving into Lily’s demands.
Read: Find out what Miyoung does when she gets mad at ‘him’ here!