Worst glitches of all time in Video Games history
We've all seen them, but here are the worst glitches of all time in video games history!

We’ve all come across problems while playing games, be it something that you did, like a small mis-click or forgetting to save after a long game, or a code error like a missing asset piece or a simple weird dialogue.
Most of these game problems are a rare occurrence because of how far video game testing has come, but every once in a while, something huge is let out to the final consumers – either intentionally or unintentionally, by the developers that basically immortalize the game for every gamer!
Such game breaking glitches are hard to come by, but once they do come to the public eye, boy oh boy does the public never let it die down! Today we look at a few of the worst glitches in Video Games history and discuss them in detail!
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The Worst Glitches of all time
Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow “Missingno” Glitch

The most well known glitch of all time and also the first ever cryptid in the history of video games, “Missingno” was a glitch in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow which could be intentionally triggered by players to gain an unfair advantage in the game without having to work for it.
You can encounter “Missingno” by going to Cinnabar island and following the steps to encounter it which can be found online if you are looking in the right place. Once you encounter this mystery pokemon, the item in your 6th slot will go up to 128, giving you a huge advantage if you play your cards right.
The glitch also came with a risk however – The risk of corrupting the player’s save file resulting in them having to start the entire game over again. And if you are aware, Cinnabar Island is where the 7th Gym of the game is located in. Which makes you only one badge and a perilous journey through Victory Road away from the Elite Four battle which would make you the Pokemon Champion in the game!
Minecraft’s The Far Lands Void

This one might be a little hard to believe, but back in its Beta days, when Minecraft wasn’t even a fraction of what it is today, the worlds in the game weren’t even fully infinite! This glitch was a result of that exact exploit coming into play and made players experience one of the first few horrors that Minecraft has had to offer over the years.
When people would move towards the Far Lands located on the far away edges on the horizontal axes of the world, they would start encountering strange terrain, and not just 2 or 3 block rises, but entire floating chunks of land which made it look like floating islands where you would seemingly find mythical creatures if Mojang ever decided to come up with such an update!
But wait! That’s not all! If you decided that this horror wasn’t enough to scare you, and decided to move on forward, you would fall into a deep, black void which would be inescapable and you’d have to starve to death before you could get respawned back to your bed while also leaving all the loot you were carrying back in the void for it to devour.
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Berry Glitch

Once again, Nintendo and GameFreak secure their spot in the list here with the entry of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Given that the Red, Blue and Yellow titles came out back in 1996. So it would be fair for players to think that Nintendo would be able to make better games when Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire came out in 2002.
But of course, if the game would’ve been perfect, it wouldn’t be here on this list! The people who had bought the game right after release, started noticing a rather unusual anomaly in the game after about a year of playing it – the berries that they were planting in the game were no longer growing making their berries being rendered useless once you sowed them into the soil!
Not just that, but all calendar and time based events in the game were delayed by 366 days! Later on, GameFreak revealed that all these anomalies were happening because of issues in the game’s internal calendar. The glitch was corrected in later issues of the game and also through patches. Players could even mail their copies of Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire up until 2012 for a replacement.
Fallout: New Vegas’ Helicopter Head Man

This wouldn’t be a list about the worst game-breaking glitches if a game by Bethesda Games wouldn’t be here now, would it? Granted that any game from Bethesda would practically do the trick, but this glitch from one of the most popular Fallout titles is one that you wouldn’t forget easily!
You see, many glitches that people encounter are things that are out of the ordinary in the game. But how would one be able to tell that it is something out of the ordinary if its the first thing you see in the game! That’s right, Fallout: New Vegas had a glitch in the very first cutscene of the game itself where the player is talking to Doc Mitchell and suddenly out of nowhere, his head starts to spin around his neck in a rather uncanny way which would’ve qualified the Fallout series to be put in the Horror genre.
At first, the players who noticed this glitch thought this was the way the game was supposed to be and kept playing for a long time without knowing that what they were experiencing was actually one of the most memorable glitches that Bethesda has been able to come up with until date!
Ice Cream melting your Save File in GTA: Vice City!

Once you get past Starfish Island in GTA: Vice City and go on to the main island, a plethora of new missions open up for you to explore. Be it the Bikers, the Cubans, or the Haitians, there are a string of missions that make Vice City the amazing game it is and the main island is a huge part of it.
One such mission is from the Ice Cream factory which is, quite literally – Game Breaking. Not to mention also one of the worst glitches in video game history that gamers have faced.
In the early copies of the game on PC, whenever people would be playing the mission from the Ice Cream Factory, where you had to take out an Ice Cream truck and were supposed to help sell drugs from the van, and try to save the game, their save files would become corrupted and nothing would bring them back from the dead. If you were to try to load those save files, you’d only get a black screen and would be forced to start the game all over again with none of your progress to show for!
The Creepiest Game Models Ever from Assassin’s Creed: Unity

Assassin’s Creed is one of Ubisoft’s prime franchises which has been extremely popular ever since the first game came out. The game series is so famous that it even had a movie made around it. It follows the brotherhood of Assassin’s going up against the Templars, essentially their rival group throughout the series.
With such a huge name to carry, Ubisoft rushed the development of one of their games in the series which made it prone to thousands of bugs with some being more prominent than the others. One of them being the creepy floating eyes and mouths of the characters in it at times. You read it right! It looked as though the aliens from the movie “Mars Attack!” had been brought to life and their brains had been taken away for them to be forced into playing characters in a video game!
The exact reasoning behind this bug happening wasn’t known. It could be that the developers didn’t get enough time to test it all but let’s be honest, in a game where you could spot NPC’s collapsing into their own crotches, this wasn’t the worst that could’ve happened if you’d let your imagination run wild.
Pokemon X and Y glitched the game if you saved it?

The Pokemon series has already made its appearance in this list twice, you’d think that would be enough to make Nintendo test their games properly before releasing them to the public. But alas! It certainly wasn’t! In fact, things only got worse from then on. You see, where “Missingno” and the Berry Bug both were small bugs that wouldn’t have such huge impacts, this bug was one that players really needed to worry about.
Coming down to the much more recent Pokemon games, Pokemon X and Y, we got to experience the beautiful yet challenging Kalos region. A place which is loved by both the lovers of the Pokemon anime, as well as the players who have played the games. However, the game also packed a glitch that could ruin the entire experience for the players.
In the game’s biggest location, Luminose City, where we find the fifth gym in the game, there lied a glitch that could erase all the progress you had made so far in the game by ironically trying to save the game near one of the taxis in the city itself.
Headless Horselessmen in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty lobbies are known to be the prime example of Murphy’s Law : “Anything that can happen, will happen”. Not a single day goes by when you could be scrolling through social media and wouldn’t come across an insanely lucky Call of Duty play where it just seems like the player might as well have been practicing some voodoo magic for that shot to land.
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s however, it was made sure that a if person who was killed by a flag bearer once, they wouldn’t be killed again. How? Well, it’s not exactly the fact that they wouldn’t die again, but maybe more the fact that they wouldn’t die from a headshot ever again since they’d be respawned without one!
Every player who went through this experience also traumatized every other player who saw them in game as anyone who would see the decapitated soldier would get kicked out of the game in no time. This glitch was soon fixed by Activision but it sure did leave a mark on people’s mind as the glitch is still brought up by people to this day.
The King of Glitches : Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red is a game studio that is highly respected for the games that they have made. So naturally, when they announced an open world game which was set in a dystopian future where technology has taken over the world and you’d get to interact with none other than Keanu Reeves, the excitement was beyond what can be described in words.
With the promise of delivering such a game pressuring on to the heads of the developers over at CD Projekt Red, and the game already having been delayed thrice which made the delay of the game into a meme, the devs saw no other choice but to release the game at last.
Once it was released, people had the time of their lives roasting every single aspect of the game that was going wrong – from character models passing through cars, players getting bounced back for miles after hitting a window, getting thrown away by your own motorcycle after getting on it, to many more! The list of game breaking bugs on this game just keeps going and we’re sure if you’d play the game today, you’d still find a few of them going around!
Minus World in Super Mario Bros.

Yet another Nintendo title in the list! This time however, we look at one of the most popular games to have ever existed in the world – Super Mario Bros. The Italian Plumber’s game is one of the most classic games to grace the world of Video Games and brought gaming to a lot of kids’ lives.
In this game however, we get to see one of the weirdest glitches that almost makes it seem like you might have reached a secret world that the developers did not intend for you to find! This undiscovered world was labelled as “-1” which made players very curious as to what was going on.
The level was just like World 7-2 from it being underwater, to the geography and even the enemy locations! However, there was one thing that differed. Which was, that when you would get to the exit tube, you would not be able to exit because the tube was glitched. Which means the only way for you to get out would be to get a “Game Over” or resetting the game. Which one of those options would be worse? You decide.
With that, we finish up on the list of the worst game-breaking glitches in the history of video games! And if there is anything we learn from this list, it should be that no matter the game, however popular, and no matter the studio, however small or successful, we can all go wrong somewhere and sometimes, those mistakes might be too much to deal with, but other times, they’ll just become great memes for everyone to laugh at!
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