Ex-F1 Supremo Bernie Ecclestone announces mega sale of $634 million worth car collection

Bernie Ecclestone is set to sell his massive collection of 69 historic grand prix and other cars in a private treaty sale.

Ex-F1 Supremo Bernie Ecclestone announces mega sale of $634 million worth car collection

Bernie Ecclestone (image via AutoSport)

Bernie Ecclestone is one of the bigger names linked to Formula 1 since its early days. The sport’s Supremo founded the ‘Formula One Group’ which held the commercial rights of the sport up until 2017. Hence, following Ecclestone’s major participation, he had a lucrative collection with over 69 cars under his name.

Bernie Ecclestone wasn’t only a huge businessman but also an avid lover of extremely fast cars. The Supremo owned over 69 historic cars ranging over different motorsports, mainly Formula 1. However, as Ecclestone pushes 94 years of age, he has decided to sell the massive collection in a private treaty sale. Due to the sale being private, the selling prices are likely not to be released publicly.

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The massive car collection is estimated to cost around $634 Million (£500M) currently. Ecclestone reckoned that despite his love for the cars, he didn’t want them lying around should something untoward happen to him. Moreover, the F1 Supremo noted that he had been buying only the best of any example over the past 50 years.

I have been collecting these cars for more than 50 years, and I have only ever bought the best of any example, I love all of my cars, but the time has come for me to start thinking about what will happen to them should I no longer be here, and that is why I have decided to sell them.

Bernie Ecclestone told motorsport.com

What are some of the most expensive cars from the massive collection?

Bernie Ecclestone’s collection wasn’t only limited to Formula 1 cars, the Supremo had also collected cars with notable historic value. However, the highest-priced cars are believed to be Alberto Ascari‘s 1951 Italian GP-winning 375. Apart from this, Mike Hawthorn‘s 1958 Dino and Michael Schumacher‘s F2002 are some of the more expensive cars from the collection.

Bernie Ecclestone's massive car collection (via British GQ)
Bernie Ecclestone’s massive car collection (via British GQ)

Adding to the long list of impressive cars, Ferrari’s first true monocoque chassis, the Ferrari 312B3 is also present. The Thinwall Special is yet another impressive and expensive car in the collection believed to be priced highly. Additionally, Carlos Reutemann’s 1977 Brazilian GP-winning chassis is also present in the mega collection of 69 cars.

The sale of the 69 historic cars isn’t the first massive sale from Ecclestone. The 94-year-old had previously sold over 50 cars in the infamous RM Sotheby’s auction. The Englishman would have an extremely emotional moment while selling the great collection in turn for money.