Fortnite Patch 16.10 Nerfs Controversial Primal Gun and Buffs Recycler: Is It A Game Changer?

Patch 16.10 buffs recycler and nerfs primal
A massive Fortnite patch 16.10 update nerfs Primal shotgun and buffs Recycler to change the game once and for all. The latest update for season 6 of Fortnite, with a primal theme, is no ordinary weekly update to fix bugs but more so to balance weapons. In fact, the game breaking girth of nerfing one of the best guns and buffing a weak weapon to bring equity to the game might take a heavy toll on the gamer community of Fortnite.
Primal and mythic weapons, crafted using loot from wildlife like animal bones and technology untouched by the pulse like makeshift guns, are medium-precision, high-damage armaments that was the new sensation among Fortnite gamers, and were introduced to suit the primal theme of Fortnite Season 6. Recycler was more of theme-suiting gun introduced to fit the primal age of the game rather than for combat purposes.
Primal shotgun overtook the pump shotgun in gamer usage stats, owing to the fact that while both were high-damage weapons, primal dealt enough damage to wipe out whole squads in the close range, even if there was little accuracy from the gamer’s side. Recycler weapon, on the other hand, was more of a dormant weapon until it received game breaking buffs.

Primal Nerf in Fortnite Patch 16.10
Hence, while the choice is mostly based on playstyle, the mythic primal shotgun was in a class of its own and could not really be compared to others, until Fortnite’s latest patch update. Although primal shotgun was one of the best gun in Fortnite’s latest season, its high damaging ability called for nerfs from the elites of gamer community like DiamondLynxx and GammaSlurpy and another nerf was not unforeseen even after the initial nerf in firing rate.
It is quite clear now that EPIC wants the gun to be viable and the 2nd Fortnite patch on damage nerf might be enough to push gamers towards the Pump. The one thing the Primal will hold over other shotguns is the clip size and the sheer speed. For many players, this will still be the superior shotgun, but the gap has closed in a big way.
Hypex was the first to tweet about the details of the latest nerf and mane others followed.
As seen, all rarities of the primal shotgun nerf now deal considerably less damage per shot than before. Epic has also increased the weapon’s pull-out time after the initial firing rate nerf and damager nerf. It’s tough to say precisely how much this nerf will affect the Primal Shotgun gameplay without testing the Battle Royale mode for ourselves but it can be appraised that the recent fire rate reduction along with the latest damage nerf and increase in pull-out timing should prove fair to other guns in the game, if not make it subservient to the once ruling Pump Shotgun.
The center of discussion from the onset of Season 6 revolved around the ease with which the primal shotgun could knock down any player’s complete health bar instantly. With the onset of latest Fortnite patch, the possibility of the same repeating is now less likely, and while players may no longer have to fear this once deadly shotgun, neither can they depend on a single gun to wipe out whole squads with it.
Although a part of the gaming community is thrilled about the nerf, owing to a more fair game, the other side is frustrated that their weapon of choice has been impacted and more so due to the onset of current weekly Challenge requirements. This discussion will continue to revolve and be the center of speculation as long as more challenges require the usage of primal weapons in the near future.
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Recycler Gun gets Buff in new Hotfix
While this primal weapon that has split the Fortnite gaming community in terms of the agreement, even more so than before when the gun was controversial due to its powerful gameplay, another earlier weak weapon’s performance has been enhanced significantly.

The Recycler Gun, which was recently released in few weeks into season 6, is a freshly built weapon made to deal explosive damage counts to opponents by harvesting building materials, has undergone a considerable buff in the latest hotfix of Fortnite. The improvement of the recycler on account of its firing speed and damage count has increased drastically and taken recycler from a weak gun to broken almost instantly. The speed at which the Recycler can destroy in-game objects and its damage rate to structures has also faced a noticeable buff in the recent Fortnite patch.
This upgrade is aimed to make the Fortnite battlefield offer a more even fighting ground to casual and pro players alike. The Recycler now harvests ammo faster and does more damage to structures while still using materials like constructing supplies gathered from all over the map to shoot lethal junk bombs. The pace at which the Recycler can destroy in-game objects has been elevated menacingly and that too by simply collecting, well, junk.
While not every gamer will have all of their requests addressed, judging by the sheer bulk of the recently deployed patch, Fortnite patch 16.10 has achieved to reduce some of the main concerns of sweats by a large extent. And, while it may be a bit of a bummer that the higher-tier Primal Shotgun is a bit weaker than it used to be, at least that adjustment has been balanced out by making the widely available Recycler gun a little more potent. Considering that Season 6 is just a wee week old, these are pretty adequate patches to keep the Fortnite community engaged and even.
The Fortnite patch 16.10 seems to address the biggest criticisms the gaming community has had since the launch of Season 6, especially with the large clip size, a fast fire rate, and two-round bursts overpowering the Primal Shotgun. With a game balancing Recycler buff and subsequent shotgun nerf Fortnite patch, Fortnite keeps community thrashes at bay.
Read more: How To Complete Fortnite Week 4 Legendary Quest: Deal Damage With Primal Weapons