Garena Free Fire: 3 Best Characters for Free Fire Clash Squad

Garena Free Fire is a famous Battle Royale it has a good fan base. The recent event Clash Squad has given a hype in game this is a limited-time event.
Unlike to Battle Royale side of this title, clash Squad lets players experience a challenging gameplay.
In this mode, gamers are grouped into two teams and fight each other in rounds. The time with most kills will be the winner.
There are two modes in this game Casual and ranked Clash Squad. In this mode also Characters play an integral part in this mode. Which increases the chances of getting a booyah!
Three best Characters to use in clash squads:

When you equip Antonio, you receive 10 extra HP when rounding starts, which further increases with the rise of the level. At the highest character level, players will receive 35 additional HP at beginning of the round.
His in-game description is “Antonio was an Orphan who grew up to be a gangster.”
DJ Alok:

DJ Alok is not only famous in his real life but also very famous in the game. One of the choosiest characters.
His ability Drop the beat creates an aura of 5 meters that recharges 5 HP for about 5 seconds and increases the speed of teammates movement by 10%
At his maximum level, movements of teammates increase by 15%, and restores 5HP for 10 seconds

His ability is ‘Master of All’ in two modes – Jiujitsu Mode and Psychology Mode.
Jiujitsu Mode foes within 6m get 500% increase in EP conversion Rate.
Psychology Mode recovers 2EP every three seconds, up to 100 EP.
This mode has a cooldown time of 20 seconds. At maximum level only Psychology Mode will work compared to First level.
So, we can recover 2EP in 2 seconds and up to 150 Ep. His set is named as ‘Heightened Awareness Set.’
Also Read: Garena Free Fire: Top-up Diamonds Through SEAGM