Garena Free Fire: Beware before Downloading Free Fire on Jio Phone

Garena Free Fire is a battle royale game and it is developed and published by Garena Studios. This popular Battle Royale game is available for both Android and iOS Devices. The game puts about 50 players in a remote island, where one finally becomes the winner making it Booyah. Since the Pubg Ban in India, officials are making this game more familiar and providing the best to attract people into the game.
Over the past few years, the popularity of Garena Free Fire has been elevated and it has never looked down. This Battle Royale game has gained a lot of active players and there are millions of users a day. In June 2020, the game has reached a milestone of over 100 million daily active users.
Around popularity, people make speculations that have not been offered by the game officials. They spread rumours in whatever the way they want. Some could be very much foolish but they still bring hopes in some people.
The popularity of Free Fire is in such range that several videos have been out online which claim that there are ways to play Free Fire on Jio Phones. However, this is not certain and not possible too.
No Jio phone could be able to download Free Fire

Evidently, there are no possible ways to download Free Fire and play them on Jio Phone. Any Video or any Website which suggests this or claims that it could be possible is a fraud and it is a scam. The game only runs on a phone when the requirements of the game are met. Certainly, it cannot be run on a Jio Phone, considering the RAM size and other requirements.
Any such Installation may cause harm to your device
Free Fire game is available for only smartphones that run by Android and iOS softwares or Operating System. On the other hand, the Jio phone is operated by KaiOS, and is not supported by Free Fire.

Several Speculations made by some websites and videos often misguide the people and lure them into trusting that there are ways to play and record the gameplay on Jio Phone. No one should fall for this for sure. Or else, your device may get damaged.
We must say that you or anyone should never try to download such fake files. Since they contain malware or may carry damage to your device. Such fake files can steal your personal information. So, be aware of such sites and files.
Final Words

People should not let their time be wasted. They should not try to find ways to play Free Fire on their Jio phones. Because there’s no such way to play so. Do not press any links that appear on sites as they may contain malicious software.