Garena Free Fire: How to get ‘Crack the Safe’ bundle?

Since the exit of PUBG from the Indian gaming scene, people over at Free Fire have been trying it all to grab everyone’s attention. They scheduled many events for the entire month of September, keeping in mind the ongoing crisis, causing everyone to be glued to their phones.
Earlier this month, Free Fire teamed up with the popular Netflix series ‘Money Heist’ and staged the event ‘ Plan Bermuda ‘ where players could win a skin based on the original Money Heist suit.
On the 25th of September, another event called ‘Crack the Safe’ became active, and it is supposed to run until the 4th of October. This event came with the Booyah Day update through which players can earn a free outfit bundle.
So, how to obtain ‘Crack the Safe’ bundle?

The event contains a total of 4 levels which gives rewards over time, but the basic idea to crack each level is to guess a code which will unlock each level and the safe in the corresponding level.
In order to earn guesses, you need to play matches in Free Fire. You will get 1 guess for each match played. One can get a maximum of 10 guesses in a single day.
This is a play to win event on the backnote, a very nice trick pulled off by Free Fire to keep up with it’s player base.

Here are the set of rules provided for the event:
- Every safe will provide a clue regarding the range of the code.
- After you enter your guess, if it is incorrect, the clue’s range will be narrowed.
- Subsequent guesses will be limited to the new range only.
- The 4th Safe is a Secret Safe, which can only be revealed when 3 friends enter your Secret Code in-game.
Incase you can’t guess the code properly the first time, the clue given will be narrowed down for you to a large extent.
Just keep playing Free Fire and guess smartly to get the ‘Crack the Safe’ bundle !
Also Read: Garena Free Fire: How to get the King Boxer Bundle for free