Garena Free Fire: New Diwali Wish event and all you need to know about

Garena Free Fire: New Diwali Wish event and all you need to know about

Free Fire has a filled November 2020 with a plethora of events and all the players are very happy with these events. The events are so good that recently there was a server crash in Free Fire due to the extensive load of active users. Diwali Wish event is also one such event in Free Fire that is now live on Free Fire.

Free Fire has been frequently organizing such events where players can claim skins and rewards for free. Some events need Diamonds to be top-up but Free Fire has launching this event frequently, where we can claim some premiere skins at a very low cost of Diamonds.

We will guide you on how to participate in Diwali Wish Event in this article

All you need to Know about Diwali Wish event:

Diwali wish is a new event that has gone live in Free Fire, from 13th November to 19th November 2020.

This event will offer some Incredible bundles like Arctic Bundle, Zombified samurai and The street. Some amazing gun skins like M1887-Rapper Underworld, M1887-tropical Parrot, and MP40-Mechanical.

Rules of this Event:

  • There are categories of prizes: costume or Gun Skin.
  • Spend diamonds to make a basic wish and draw a prize from the entire prize pool within that category. The categories are Basic and Premium Prizes.
  • Make a Premium wish or Basic Wish and draw a Prize from the category. A permanent Gun skin or bundle is Guaranteed from Premium Wish.
  • Check the Prize pool of each category on the magnifying glass beside the category title.
  • Make your first Basic or Premium wish of each at a 50% discount.

Make your Diwali Wish come True

YouTube video

Here is the Video on Free Fire Diwali wish.

Free Fire has come up with a new video on You Tube adding more spice to the game naming the video as Fearless Warriors. Click here to watch the complete video.

Also Read: Garena Free Fire: New Balloon Burst Event