Garena Free Fire: Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Gun Skins

An Assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. They have extreme damage power and firing speeds. With long-range firing capacity, it was first brought to production during world war 2. The concept of assault rifles is now added to all shooter games. We will discuss some top 5 assault rifle skins in 2020 in Free Fire.
Free Fire offers a range of Assault rifles in-game it also offers a plethora of skins to each gun in-game. The skins are radiant and cool to use and play with it in-game.
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Here are some Top 5 Assault Rifles of free Fire in 2020:
Skins in Free Fire offers some good abilities to gun. Like firing range, accuracy, damage reload speed and magazine. The abilities depends on the skins you use and according to your gameplay. All rifles skins have a different ability, strength and accuracy.
AK Flame Draco Skin:

AK Flame Draco skin is Free Fire’s exclusive prime skin of 2020 it has very special kill effect given to it and also the VFX of this skin looks deadly. The VFX of this skin is a blue aura and the dragon mouth gun firing gives cool kill effect. It is also the costliest skins of Free Fire in 2020.
The skin is not available right now it was only available during the special event in October 2020.
Abyssal XM8:

Abyssal XM8 is a radiant and catchy skin in XM8 its damage has ‘++’, Range ‘+’ and Magazine ‘-‘. This is based on an aquatic theme we can see the VFX effects looks so cool. We can see a shark near the trigger button moving and the water effects around the gun.
Spirited Overseas M60:

Spirited Overseas M60 is a gun that is cool and radiant with accuracy ‘+’, Armor penetration ‘++’, and Magazine ‘-‘. It is a very good gun to use in intense gun fight as the armor penetration is more. So, knocking a player is easy with this gun skin.
The gun looks possessed with an ancient spirit and the spirit emitting some red effects out of it. Though it does not have great VFX but is colorful and a good use in game.
Party Animal AUG:

AUG is indeed a special gun in game which is found only in drops it is a deadly gun in game. But the party animal has range ‘++’ and Magazine ‘- ‘. It has no VFX effects to it. But is really a good skin and the only skin in AUG right now. Which is purple in color with a white skull on it.
Great Plunder Groza:

Great Plunder Groza is indeed a powerful gun found very rarely in game perhaps only in Drops. It has a cool VFX effects given to it we can see a monster or a gorilla shouting effect on it. With a slight purple aura emitting from it. Its damage is ‘+’, reload ‘-‘, and Accuracy ‘++’.
These are some of the top 5 best Assault rifles in Free Fire for December 2020. So these are some of the top 5 assault rifle skins in 2020.
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