Garena Free Fire: Top 5 Characters you can use in Kalahari Map (Classic Squad Mode)

Garena Free Fire: Top 5 Characters you can use in Kalahari Map (Classic Squad Mode)

In Free Fire, the Kalahari map is a rather popular map as it is similar to PUBG’s Miramar. It is based in a desert setting and the view is quite attractive. This map has some exclusive places and zip lines for players to travel conveniently from one place to another. Something which really helps win the game are the characters that you use. So, here are the Top 5 characters in Kalahari Map for classic squad mode.


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Misha is a great driver to have on your team when you’re playing in classic squad mode. To win a game, you need to have a good strategy and it is essential to have a driver. A simple advantage to have this character is that it will be easy to go from one place to another.


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Moco’s specialty helps reveal the position of the enemy on the map. It can be of great advantage even if it is only for a little while. She can easily help you track your enemy preventing them to hide from you.

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Paloma helps in removing the weight of AR ammo which helps players carry more useful items like medkits and grenades. It is essential for someone to carry extra utilities when playing in squad mode. AR guns are the most common and preferred guns by most players so Paloma is highly useful.


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Kalahari is a big map and Laura adds 30% bonus to accuracy when scoping-in. This is an amazing skill to have as many guns have a low accuracy. Kalahari’s skill is especially useful for the players who prefer close-range battles as at times they may need to fire long-range with their assault rifles.


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Andrew is the best defense against continuous firing. The character gets better once you level up. He is preferred in all modes, especially in Classic Squad Mode.

Use these Top 5 characters in Kalahari map for classic squad mode. You will definitely not find better characters for this map so go on and get them all.

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