Tiger Woods answers: Who is the GOAT, Michael Jordan or LeBron James?

LeBron James, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan
GOATs are very rare to come across in a sport. They are truly destined for greatness with their innate existence of skills. One such GOAT of golf is Tiger Woods, who has long been known to be the face of golf. Woods was also friends with a lot of other celebrity superstars, and one question in a press conference certainly caught the attention of people. A reporter asked Woods that there was a lot of discussion about who was the GOAT between LeBron James and Michael Jordan.
When asked about his opinion, Woods had quite the interesting choice of words. “The meaning of goat has changed. They were both goats in their own ways. I mean you look at MJ, he was a prolific scorer and played defence like no other. He’s always first team you know all defence. LeBron is different. He’s like a hybrid of MJ and Magic Johnson which is so different, because LeBron is bringing the ball up a lot. MJ Never really did that.” Woods said that Jordan had Pip as a point forward in a lot of times, and that was kind of LeBronish, but Woods also said that both the players are very different in how they help both teams.
“Being great is doing something that you know no one con do, but also what separates those people is just the duration. They will do it not just for one year, or not just for one game and not just for a little spell. They’re able to do it for a number of years and accumulate highlights that you know we will always look at. They’re peppered in our memories,” said Woods, talking about the impact that these players have on their fans.
What does it take to be a GOAT? Tiger Woods answers, makes a comparison between MJ and LeBron

“Every good player here can have one good week, like okay great you know, now can you do it for a month, can you do it for a year, now do it for a decade. Then they start separating what is truly great and in our sport there have been a few guys who have lasted for decades, and that is truly greatness,” said Tiger Woods. He emphasised the importance of having consistency and being able to carry on with a strong performance throughout one’s career.
“What LeBron has done for 15 seasons now, its just remarkable. Its just that longevity and to be able to be up for that long a period of time. To be able to adjust as well. To be able to do what they did, hats off to not just LeBron but a lot of players and the people I just named.” Regardless, all three of the athletes in question are unquestionably the greatest of all times.
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