Can golfers drink alcohol on the PGA Tour?
Exploring whether PGA Tour players can consume alcohol during the events.

Alcohol on PGA Tour (Image via Imago)
The sport of golf has always been a traditional wine which has a conservative touch to it. Even the players who play this game have a serene and calm personality. The brisk pace of the game, the subtle plays in midst of the game, and the smiles all around make golf look like a gentleman’s game, but that’s just not it.
There’s a whole new dimension when it comes to the technicalities of the game, the pressure players feel on a simple putt, and the little things that no one sees but matter a lot. However, the consumption of alcohol remains a huge topic of discussion with many still wondering whether golfers are actually allowed to drink alcohol on the PGA Tour.
Over the years gone by, the rules regarding consuming alcohol and smoking have been strict, Despite this, several players including the likes of John Daly have broken this rules. So are the golfers allowed to drink during tournaments.
As per the 2022–23 PGA Tour Player Handbook and Tournament Regulation, players are not allowed to have any sort of beverage during the events. Any golfers found breaking this rules are penalized by the tour.
However, the tour does makes some exception. After the rounds are concluded, players can have some moderate consumption. This is also allowed during social events. Unprofessional behavior though could see golfers lose their tour card.
What do players actually drink at the course?
While alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited on the tour, the players obviously have to stay hydrated. Playing the whole day under the sun while walking around the course can take huge toll on the body of the golfers.

To stay hydrated and fit, golfers usually consume water and some isotonic fluids. Common fluids such as Lucozade, Powerade and Gatorade are the ones heavily consumed by the players. Some golfers are reported to be working with nutritionist to make sure what fluid will work the best for them.
Another drink golfers are seen consuming are protein and vitamin shakes. This can once again depend upon the player’s need. Some top brand sometimes partner with golfers which leads to them endorsing the product while appearing in events.
As for the fans concerned who attend the events, they are allowed to consume alcohol. However, they are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. If the fans fail to do so, they will removed from the grounds. Consequences could also led to the involvement of local law enforcements.
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