What is handicap in golf?
Find out how handicap is a useful measure to find out player potentials in golf.

Golf can be a confusing game with a variety of rules and handicap systems in place. One of the most important components of golfing is understanding how your individual handicap plays a role in the game.
Handicaps in golf are the measure used to level the playing field between golfers of differing abilities. A handicap system translates a player’s gross score on any given course into a number that reflects how far above or below par they played – allowing players of different skill levels to compete on an equal footing. The Handicap System is administered by the United States Golf Association(USGA), and other professional golf organizations around the world.
This article will delve deeper to help understand some of the nuances of golf, in this case, of handicap in golf scoring.
Related: How does scoring in golf work?
What is a Handicap?

A handicap is essentially a number that reflects the skill level of each golfer at any given time. This number is calculated by taking the average number of strokes scored during each completed round played, with extra attention paid to holes that are more difficult for each individual golfer. The result is called the ‘Handicap Index’ and represents the average number of strokes above par that any given golfer can expect to finish when playing an 18-hole course.
How does it affect play?

The handicaps applied to different golfers will affect their individual games, as they will take different amounts of “winners” and “losers” into consideration before deciding where to hit into greens, or whether they should lay up or go for a risky shot that might improve their score. For example, if one player has nine stroke allowance while another only has seven, then it may be wise for the former golfer to attempt shots that he or she would not normally try as they can use some “freebies” without worrying about negatively affecting their overall score too much.
Additionally, if two competitors have similar playing abilities but differ slightly in terms of their respective handicaps, it may influence which player wins depending on how well (or badly) either competitor performs on any given day – resulting in even closer games than usual despite similar starting conditions. It’s important to remember that good form does not always win in the end!
How to get a Handicap?

If players are eligible to receive one, obtaining a personal golf handicap index would involve completing 20 qualifying rounds under decent conditions at various courses to ensure accuracy; once all those rounds have been registered with your local golf association they will be calculated through an approved software system and delivered as their personal index from thereon out – allowing them reference whenever needed! Afterward, all consecutive scoring data must remain up-to-date.
Knowing what your handicap index allows golfers to measure their performance against opponents who share similar capabilities on the course; ultimately leading to greater competition within games no matter how disparate both players’ skill levels may be at any given moment!
All eligible individuals should obtain one if possible as well to keep track of scoring data over time since these numbers are vital high-stakes competitions between top talent!
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