GTA Online MK II weapons explained

Weaponry is the difference between life or death in GTA Online. It helps you defend yourself against other players, helps you complete missions to earn money, helps you defend yourself while running businesses, the list goes on. However, oftentimes, just weapons are not enough. You need added firepower. Something different that gives you the edge while fending off your enemies. This article explores the more powerful variants of the traditional weapons. GTA Online MK II weapons explained covers all you need to know about Mark 2 weapons and acts as a guide.

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GTA Online MK II weapons explained
Ammo Types:
All MK2 weapons have access to different ammo types. These ammo types however need to be unlocked by researching them in the bunker. When these are equipped, the magazine capacity reduces from 30-20. The different ammo types are:
1.Tracer rounds:
These only have an aesthetic effect and offer no real purpose
2.Incendiary Rounds:
These are fire bullets but that set the shot target on fire
3. Armor Piercing rounds:
These are bullets with increased damage and damage per second stats
4.Full metal Jacket Rounds:
These bullets do increased damage to vehicles and can penetrate through bulletproof glass

MK II Weapon Variants
The various available upgradable MK II weapons are:
1.Assault Rifle MK II
Conversion cost: $98,750
The MK II upgrade of the classic assault rifle. This upgrade increases the damage of the weapon from 30 to 40 units.

2.Bullpup Rifle MK II
Conversion Cost: $105,750
The Bullpup Rifle MK II boasts the highest damage per second stat in the game. The upgrade increases the damage from 32-33 units.

3.Carbine Rifle MK II
Conversion Cost: $107,500
This is one of the most popular weapons in GTA Online. The upgrade increases damage from 30-33 units, improves accuracy and spread significantly

4.Combat MG MK II
Conversion Cost: $119,000
The MKII version of the premier Machine Gun of GTA Online offers a slightly increased damage from 45-47 units.

5.Heavy Revolver MK II
Conversion Cost: $99,000
The classic revolver can also be upgraded to MK II. The upgrade increases damage from 160-200 units which is a significant increase. The reload and draw times are also increased by 50%

6.Heavy Sniper MKII
Conversion Cost: $165,375
This MK II version of the bolt action sniper not only increases the damage from 216 to 230 units but also gives access to night vision scopes

7. Marksman Rifle MK II
Conversion cost: $149,000
The Marksman Rifle MK II offers increased damage when upgraded, from 65-75 units.

8.Pistol MK II
Conversion cost: $73,750
This version of the Pistol increases damage from 26-32 units.

9.Pump Shotgun MK II
Conversion cost: $82,500
The pump shotgun MK II only provides an increased damage from 29-32 units.

Conversion cost: $85,500
The SMG MK II increases the damage of the gun from 22-25 units while also increasing the rate of fire significantly enabling better drive-bys

11.Special Carbine MK II
Conversion cost: $135,000
The upgrade increases the damage from 32-2.5. However, the already high fire rates and high accuracy make this gun the best weapon in the game

These were the different MK II weapons in GTA Online. some of the values may seem very insignificant but it is impactful in practical combat where even 1 unit of damage matters.
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