GTA Online: Which drip-fed vehicles remain unreleased as a part of Criminal Enterprises?

Premium Deluxe Motorsport is one of the showrooms where you can buy these vehicles
GTA Online received its latest DLC, The Criminal Enterprises update in July 2022. The update came with loads of changes to the games, new business prospects for Criminal Careers as well as increased payouts and special events getting added to the game regularly since then.
As a part of the update, new vehicles were also announced for the game, but they were added to the game in a “drip-feed” manner. Months have passed since the update went live, but some vehicles remain to become available to players.
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GTA Online players expected a new vehicle in the last weekly update

“Drip-feed” refers to game developers and studios adding parts of an update to their games at regular intervals instead of all at once. GTA Online’s Criminal Enterprise update serves as an example of this, with only six of the vehicles announced in the update being added at launch, others being added slowly.
Although the GTA Online update went live in July, several vehicles remain to be launched to the game. The vehicles will be available at one of the game’s multiple vehicle stores. The Legendary Motorsports awaits the arrival of the Obey 10F, costing a whopping GTA$ 1,675,000. Southern San Andreas Super Autos is in line to receive the following vehicles-
- Dinka Kanjo SJ (GTA$ 1,370,000)
- Dinka Postlude (GTA$ 1,310,000)
- Übermacht Rhinehart (GTA$ 1,598,000)
Other than these vehicles, custom versions of the BF Weevil, Übermacht Sentinel Classic and Obey 10F will be available at Benny’s Original Motorworks, with the upgrades costing GTA$ 980,000, 700,000, and 575,000 respectively. However, players will also need to buy base versions of the vehicles beforehand in GTA Online.
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Many fans expected at least one of the vehicles to be released in the last weekly update but were disappointed to find none. In terms of vehicles, the update mainly brought with it eCola-themed variants of vehicles, as well as 50% off for the week at Benny’s Original Motorworks.
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