Hardest Missions in GTA 5: Top 5 Most Difficult Missions

Grand Theft Auto 5 is one of the most popular video games of all time. It features many missions in-game, also consisting of Hardest Missions in GTA 5. It is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is also one of the most sold video games in the world.
Grand Theft Auto 5 is a binding game due to its missions and right now the internet is abuzz with the news on GTA 5 Update. It is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is also one of the most sold video games in the world. The article lists the Top 5 Hardest Missions in GTA 5.

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Top 5 Hardest Missions in GTA 5:
5. The Triathlons
It is nearly impossible to win a Triathlon in Grand Theft Auto V.The Triathlon requires you to participate in a 3-part race that includes Swimming, Running, and Cycling. The Stamina Bar for any of the three characters can run out pretty quick if the stat hasn’t been buffed previously.

There are three triathlons in GTA 5. The first triathlon is the Vespucci Beach Triathlon. This is unlocked after the completion of the mission, ‘Fame or Shame’. Overall, it is too difficult to be a side mission.
4. Scouting the Port

The mission begins in Floyd’s apartment in Vespucci Beach where Trevor forces Floyd to help him with a new caper. After Trevor, Wade, and Floyd all dress in stolen longshoreman uniforms, Trevor drives Floyd and Wade to the Port of Loas Santos. Along the way, Trevor interrogates Floyd as to whether there is anything worth stealing at the port.
This mission isn’t as difficult as much as it is annoying, and is one of the most mundane and tedious parts of GTA V. The mission has you, as Trevor, work in the shipping port of Los Santos and operate a couple of machines.
3. Did Somebody Say Yoga?

The mission is named after Fabien’s introductory phrase “Did somebody say yoga?”. These are also the first words that Trevor greets Michael with after not seeing him for nearly a decade during Fame or Shame. Players have to engage in yoga as Michael, which results in the temporary dissolution of his marriage and a drug-fueled bender across Los Santos.
“Did Somebody Say Yoga?” has to be in the running for the most simplistic yet frustrating missions in franchise history, with throwing off balance and motion controls.
2. Bury the Hatchet

“Bury the Hatchet” is one of the most important narrative moments in all of Grand Theft Auto 5. It’s the mission that sees Trevor discover the truth about the demise of his and Michael’s mutual accomplice Brad, a revelation that implicates Michael as a traitor.
This mission is noteworthy beyond just its storyline implications. It’s also one of the toughest missions in the game from Michael’s standpoint, as he must fend off scores of Wei Cheng’s goons in a graveyard to escape in his vehicle.
1. The Big Score Obvious Approach

The Obvious option is the all-guns-blazing variant of this mission. It is the last of the Heist missions available in Grand Theft Auto 5 and is the penultimate mission in the game’s narrative. It features the same complexity that made the other heists memorable.
Players will face a huge amount of security and police resistance, alongside more complicated driving patterns and shootouts, and it clearly deserves to be one of the Hardest Missions in GTA 5.
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