“He got sick of tag team wrestling” – Bret Hart slams Vince McMahon for ‘killing Tag Team wrestling’

WWE legend and hall of famer Bret Hart who has been outspoken in his criticism of WWE owner and CEO Vince McMahon and his decisions for the company. The duo’s conflicts perhaps became most evident during the infamous ‘Montreal Screwjob’ which saw Vince try to manipulate the outcome of a match between Hart and Shawn Michaels which was differently pre-determined. The incident is till date considered the most infamous and notorious incident in the company’s history.
Hart has now come out with criticism against Vince McMahon’s decision to not focus his attention on tag-team events. The former himself was a big tag-team star during his times having won two tag team titles along with Jim Neidhart as a part of ‘The Hart Foundation’. The foundation became a part of the Hall of Fame in 2019.
‘Vince singlehandedly killed a part of the wrestling business‘

Bret Hart took a jibe and criticized Vince McMahon today on an episode of Confessions of the Hitman about how the latter’s decisions led to tag-team wrestling’s downfall. “I think it’s my understanding that Vince McMahon got sick of tag team wrestling and is no longer a fan of it. And that’s so sad that he kind of singlehandedly killed a part of the wrestling business that was so important,” he said.
While it looks unlikely that Vince McMahon would reply to Hart’s jibes, the WWE superstar does make valid points with regard to tag-team wrestling with the same clearly having undergone a downfall with the passing of time.
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