How to get the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement?

How Did We Get Here Minecraft Advancement
Minecraft Advancements are sort of an way to guide the players on their own accomplishments in the Overworld. In this article we take a look at how to get the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Advancement, which is regarded by many as one of the hardest!
Advancements in Minecraft are similar to challenges that the players can complete to get the Advancement permanently. The Advancement is completed in any game mode and is permanent for a world. There are many Advancements that are quite simple to get and some are very tough to get.
Down below we discuss the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement.
How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement

The How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement is considered by many as of the hardest Advancements to get. This is because of all the criteria that the players need to fulfil in order to complete the Advancement.
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This How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement is follows the “A Furious Cocktail” Advancement and has a very vague requirement and that is “Have every effect applied at the same time.” This is a secret achievement and players won’t know how to achieve it until they get it.
The description states the accuracy and straight forwardness of the Advancement. Players need Minecraft‘s every status effect to get this achievement. The status effects include:
- Absorption
- Bad Omen
- Blindness
- Conduit Power
- Dolphin’s Grace
- Fire Resistance
- Glowing
- Haste
- Hero of the Village
- Hunger
- Invisibility
- Jump Boost
- Levitation
- Mining Fatigue
- Nausea
- Night Vision
- Poison
- Regeneration
- Resistance
- Slow Falling
- Slowness
- Speed
- Strength
- Water Breathing
- Weakness
- Wither
Players need all these status effect on them, at the same time, to get the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Achievement.
How to get all the Advancements?

Down here we discuss how players can get every mentioned status effect in the game:
- Absorption – This is one of the simpler ones on the list and can be got by eating a Golden Apple, Enchanted Golden Apple and Totem of Undying.
- Bad Omen – The players can obtain this effect by killing a Pillager Raid Captain.
- Blindness – The players can get this by eating a Suspicious Stew. Alternatively in Java Edition, players can get this effect from a hostile mob called Illusioner.
- Conduit Power – Players can only get this achievement by being near a Activated Conduit.
- Dolphin’s Grace – Players must swim near a Dolphin to get this status effect.
- Fire Resistance – This effect can be obtained through various of means, that includes Enchanted Golden Apple, Potion of Fire Resistance, Splash Potion of Fire Resistance, Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance, Arrow of Fire Resistance, Totem of Undying and Suspicious Stew.
- Glowing – Player can get this effect from a Spectral Arrow or a Bell.
- Haste – Beacon set to Haste will give this effect.
- Hero of the Village – Players need to defeat a Raid to have this special effect granted to them.
- Hunger – Players can get this effect from eating Rotten Flesh, Raw Chicken or when attacked by Husk or Pufferfish.
- Invisibility – The things to get this status are many and they are: Potion of Invisibility, Splash potion of invisibility, Lingering potion of Invisibility, Arrow of Invisibility or by getting attacked by an Illusioner.
- Jump Boost – The things that provide this effect are Potion of Leaping I and II, Splash Potion of leaping I and II, Lingering potion of Leaping I and II, Arrow of Leaping I and II, Beacon set to Jump Boost or Suspicious Stew.
- Levitation – Players can only get this by getting hit by a Shulker.
- Mining Fatigue – This effect is only applied by the Elder Guardian mob in the game.
- Nausea – This can only be caused by eating a Pufferfish.
- Night Vision – This can be got from a varied sources including, Potion of Night Vision, Splash Potion of Night Vision, Lingering Potion of Night Vision, Arrow of Night Vision, Conduit Power or a Suspicious stew.
- Poison – This can be obtained from a variety of sources that includes Potion of Poison I and II, Splash Potion of Poison I and II, Lingering Potion of Poison I and II, Arrow of Poison, Poisonous Potato, Pufferfish, Suspicious Stew, Spider Eye, Cave Spider and Bees.
- Regeneration – Status can be obtained through Potion of regeneration I and II, Splash potion of regeneration I and II, Lingering Potion of Regeneration I and II, Arrow of Regeneration I and II, Beacon set to Regeneration, Suspicious Stew, Golden Apple, Enchanted Golden Apple, Totem of Undying.
- Resistance – This requires any one of beacon set to resistance I and II, Enchanted Golden Apple, Potion of Turtle Master I and II, Lingering Potion of Turtle Master I and II, Splash Potion of Turtle Master I and II and Arrow of Turtle Master I and II.
- Slow Falling – Players can this from any one of Potion of Slow Falling, Splash Potion of Slow Falling, Lingering Potion of Slow Falling or Arrow Of Slow Falling.
- Slowness – Players can obtain them from any one of Potion of Slowness I and IV, Splash Potion of Slowness I and IV, Lingering Potion of Slowness I and IV, Arrow of Slowness I and IV, Potion of Turtle master IV, Splash potion of Turtle Master IV and VI, Lingering Potion of Turtle Master IV and VI and Arrow of Turtle master IV and VI.
- Speed – Players can get this from Potion of Swiftness I and II, Splash Potion of Swiftness I and II, Lingering Potion of Swiftness I and II, Arrow of Swiftness I and II and Beacon set to Speed I and II.
- Strength – To finish the How Did We Get Here Minecraft achievement players need any one of these Potion of Strength I and II, Splash Potion of Strength I and II, Lingering Potion of Strength I and II, Arrow of Strength I and II or a Beacon.
- Water Breathing – Players can get it from Potion of Water Breathing, Splash Potion of Water Breathing, Lingering Potion of Water Breathing, Arrow of Water Breathing or a Turtle Shell.
- Weakness – Players can get this from Potion of Weakness, Splash Potion of Weakness, Lingering Potion of Weakness, Arrow of Weakness or a Suspicious Stew.
- Wither – The last item to complete the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Advancement is the Wither status effect. Players can get it from Potion of Decay, Splash Potion of Decay, Lingering Potion of Decay, Arrow of Decay, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Suspicious stew or A Wither Rose.
These are all the things players need to complete the How Did We Get Here Minecraft Advancement!
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