How to breed Parrots in Minecraft?

Want to breed parrots in Minecraft? Here's the perfect guide for you then

How to breed Parrots in Minecraft?

The world of Minecraft is truly something else and gives players a truly immersive and open world to explore. Throughout their journey across the vast and dangerous world of Minecraft, gamers will be able to face a massive plethora of creatures, mobs, and mysteries.

Parrots are one such type of creature that players will most definitely encounter during their playthrough of Minecraft. These creatures are just like their real-life counterparts, parrots look majestic and are truly a visual delight.

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So, without further ado, here’s how you can breed and tame parrots in Minecraft:

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Breed Parrots with ease in Minecraft

The sad answer players, as of now, Parrots cannot be bred in the world created by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, there are only adult versions of Parrots. Moreover, even feeding two closeby Parrots will not lead to anything.

Parrots Minecraft
Parrots Minecraft ( Image via Mojang Studios)

The only way to generate a new parrot is with a Parrot Spawn Egg, only available in Creative Mode. This may come as a massive disappointment to players.

But looking at how well the developers at Mojang Studios listen to their community, breeding parrots will surely be added sometime in the future of Minecraft. Besides that, although parrots cannot be bred, they can be tamed in Minecraft. So here’s how:

How To Tame Parrots In Minecraft?

Players can tame players with ease by feeding them any of the following 4 seeds. The 4 suitable seeds are:

  • beetroot seeds.
  • melon seeds.
  • pumpkin seeds.
  • wheat seeds.

However, players should note, that to tame parrots players will first have to find them. Players can find Parrots all across the Jungle Biome. They will always spawn on logs, leaves, or grass blocks at Y-level 70 or above.

Parrots are a little tricky to tame though, players only have a 33% chance of taming these majestic creatures. Players are recommended to continuously feed these creatures the seeds to increase the chances of taming them.

Additional Note- Don’t feed Parrots cookies as chocolate is toxic to parrots, so if players feed Parrots cookies, the Parrots will die.

These Parrots are truly some of the most cool-looking creatures in the world of Minecraft. Taming them will definitely give players a sense of achievement and superiority.

Although breeding them isn’t possible yet, here’s hoping it is something that gets added into the game sometime in the future via an update, DLC.

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