How to Get New Fortnite Joy Skin and Doja Cat Roller Vibes Emote in Season 7

The New Fortnite Joy Skin is a Rare Fortnite Outfit from the Free Skate set. Joy was first added to the game in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7. It comes along with the new emote of Doja Cat. Emotes in the game were always a fan-favorite. The new Doja Cat Emote has been introduced and the community was hyped up about it previously as it was leaked. This character is unique because of her vitiligo skin condition. The article speaks on the latest new Fortnite Joy Skin Doja Cat Emote and how interested players can get it.

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Fortnite Joy Skin and Doja Cat Emote
The new Joy Skin is a rare Fortnite skin from the Free Skate set that was released on September 4th, 2021, and is currently available in the shop right now. It can be purchased from the Item Shop for 1,200 V-Bucks when listed. Joy was first added to the game in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7. Doja Cat emote is also a part of the Free Skate Set and is available in the Fortnite Item Shop. Gamers who buy this will be getting the Doja Cat “Kiss Me More” emote in Fortnite.

This Outfit has a built-in emote called ‘Roller Vibes’ and features the song ‘Kiss Me More’ by Doja Cat. The skin by DahjaCat comes with an emote inspired by Doja Cat’s ‘Kiss me More.’ The character designed by her, namely, Joy is a character with Vitiligo, a common skin disease, who adds a little variety to the skins in the game. Epic Games decided to add the Doja Cat ‘Kiss me More’ in Fortnite and the new skin and has been showered with praises by the gaming community fans ever since for this kind snd encouraging gesture.
This item is cosmetic and hence it does not affect the game in any way beyond being a visual modification that also entertains us with its music and the movements of our character when performing the dance.
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