How to hire a new DJ for the nightclub in GTA 5

The nightclub was introduced to GTA 5 as a business property in the After Hours DLC. The nightclub was the hub of all the other businesses. Players could link it to their business to earn passive income. The nightclub is one of the most solo-friendly businesses in the game. The nightclub also features a front where players and NPCs can rave and dance to different live DJ sets. This article lists the different steps to hire a DJ for the nightclub in GTA 5.

Related: How to purchase and set up a bunker in GTA 5.
How to book a DJ for the nightclub in GTA 5:

Step 1: Go to the nightclub office.
Step 2: Access the nightclub computer.
Step 3: Go to the ‘Resident DJ’ section.
Step 4: If the DJ is being hired for the first time, it will cost $100,000 and the player has to complete a mission to hire the DJ.
Step 5: If the DJ is being rehired, it costs $10,000 and the player does not need to complete any mission.
Step 6: The DJ will now play at your Nightclub until another DJ is hired. The popularity bar also recharges to maximum capacity.
Also Read: Rockstar adds a new contract mission to GTA 5.