How to make a Minecart with Chest in Minecraft?

How to make a Minecart with Chest in Minecraft? (image via.
Minecraft has a lot of items that the players can craft and every now and then a peculiar item may come up. Here is how to make a Minecart with Chest in Minecraft.
Minecraft has a variety of items that the players can build in the game and use. Crafting is a massive part of the game as it allows the players to progress through the game using the items that they have built. The Mineshaft can be a good place for the players to get items and ores and to transport them, players need a convenient tool.
Here is how to make a Minecart with Chest in Minecraft.
Minecart with Chest in Minecraft

The Minecart with Chest is quite basically what is says and contains a chest that can move through rails and over long distances.
Related: Minecraft Mineshafts: Locations, loot, mobs and more!
These sometimes generate naturally in Mineshafts and players can break them using a Iron Pickaxe or better. These have a chance of containing loot items for the players. They can be found stationed on a piece of rail in the passageways of Mineshafts.
The Minecart with Chest can be put on a rail and can be pushed to let it travel until the end of the line and is very useful to travel a lot of items over large distances. Players can also open the Chest while inside the Cart. Powered Rails can also be placed to make the travel even faster in Minecraft.
How to make a Minecart with Chest in Minecraft?
First of all players need to make a Chest in Minecraft. This takes only a few Wooden Planks and a Crafting table to make.
After making a Chest, players need to make a Minecart. To craft a Minecart from scratch see the guide here.

Combine the two items in the Crafting Table to make a Minecart with Chest.
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