How to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft? : Simple guide for players

How to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft
Minecraft has adventures, crafting, mining and even other dimensions to explore! Players can go to the Nether and discover many new things. Therefore, in this article we take a look at how to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.
Minecraft has many places to explore and one of them is the Nether. The Nether is the hell of Minecraft where many dangerous beings spawn and it is always on fire. Nevertheless, it is quite a challenging and fun place to explore. To get to the Nether, players need to make a gateway to another dimension through magic and this is called the Nether Portal.
Down below we take a complete look at how to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.
Nether Portal in Minecraft

The Nether Portal in Minecraft is used to travel to the Nether dimension. The portal is made from Obsidian blocks and only requires you to ignite them after making a gate shaped structure.
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Going to the Nether is mandatory for players who are looking to complete the game, as the Blaze Rods can only be found in Nether Fortresses. Ender pearls and Blaze rods are absolutely required to go fight the Ender Dragon and thus the faster the players build the Nether Portal, the faster they finish the game.
Making a Nether Portal is rather simple and how to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft is discussed below.
How to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft?
Players only need two items to make a functioning Nether Portal. These are:
- Obsidian
- Flint and Steel

To make Obsidian players need to pour water over lava or vice-versa. The merging point creates a dark Purple block which is called the Obsidian. Players can also find it in caves where lava and water have merged. Players need to mine it with a Diamond Pickaxe or a Netherite Pickaxe, or else the block drops nothing.

To make a Flint and Steel, players need one piece of Iron Ingot and one piece of Flint. Iron ingot can be made by smelting Iron blocks in a Furnace and Flint can be found by mining Gravel.

After procuring both the materials, players need to construct a vertical rectangle frame any size from 4×5 to 23×23. The corners of the frame are not required to make the Nether Portal work.
After making the frame, simply ignite it by clicking on the side of the obsidian block with the Flint and Steel. The Nether Portal will open with a purple transparent aura and players can stand in it to travel to the Nether Realm!
These are all the related steps on how to make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.
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