How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft: Simple crafting guides

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft: Simple crafting guides

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft

Players in Minecraft play the game for various reasons like adventure, fighting their friends and even building massive structures in the world. In this article we take a look at how to make Smooth stones in Minecraft.

Players can build an unlimited amount of items in the game including big houses and massive architectural structures. Blocks need to be mined to advance through the building section and create appropriate building materials. They also need to be polished an cut to make designer blocks that will suit the building needs of the players.

Down below we take a look at how to make Smooth stone in Minecraft.

Smooth Stone in Minecraft

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
Smooth Stone

Minecraft building blocks are varied and almost, like real-life, can take on various forms. The Smooth Stone is a variation of the Stone Block and is used for various beautifying purposes.

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YouTube: AserGaming

The Smooth Stone can only be found naturally spawning in villages spawning in plains, savanna or Snowy tundra villages. It also spawns as chest loot in a few cases, but is very rare. However, players can easily make it from scratch in the game.

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft?

Players can smelt stone in a Furnace to get Smooth Stone and some experience orbs.

The complete process is mentioned down below:

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft

First of all players need to add wood and sticks together and make a Wooden Pickaxe to mine Cobblestone.

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft

Players can then take the Cobblestone and put it in a Minecraft Furnace to make Stone.

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
Smooth Stone

The Stone block is to be retrieved and then put into the Furnace again to make a Smooth Stone!

What is Smooth Stone used for?

Smooth Stone is used in two crafting recipes apart from building and beautifying structures.

These are:

How to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
Blast Furnace

Blast Furnace: Iron ingot x5 + Furnace + Smooth Stone x3

Smooth Stone Slab

Smooth Stone Slab: Smooth Stone (Putting it into a stonecutting machine)

These are all the steps on how to make Smooth stone in Minecraft.

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