How to make Terracotta in Minecraft: Materials, crafting, location and more

How to make Terracotta in Minecraft: Materials, crafting, location and more

How to make Terracotta in Minecraft?

The Minecraft community love to build massive structures and even small but beautiful houses. In this article we take a look at how to make Terracotta in Minecraft, which is one of the most beautiful and customisable blocks in the game.

Minecraft has a ton of blocks that the players can make different and beautiful structures with. Terracotta is one of them and is quite rare to find naturally. However, fear not because it is quite simple to make and players can find the crafting ingredients with little to no difficulty.

Down below we discuss how to make Terracotta in Minecraft.

Terracotta in Minecraft

Terracotta in Minecraft
Terracotta in Minecraft

Terracotta is a block in Minecraft that is made from Clay and has a hardness level of stone.

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The most exciting part about the Terracotta block is that it can be dyed in 16 different colors and can also be glazed to change its appearance.

YouTube video
YouTube: RajCraft

The terracotta block is only spawned in the badlands biome, which is quite rare in the game. However, a few orange terracotta and blue terracotta can be found in Desert Temples and Ocean ruins respectively. A few blocks of glazed terracotta and uncolored terracotta can also be found in desert villages, savanna villages and plains villages.

Fun fact: Terracotta blocks can be placed under note blocks to make a “bass drum” sound.

How to make Terracotta in Minecraft?

Terracotta in Minecraft
Terracotta in Minecraft

Players need only two main items to make a normal uncolored Terracotta. Players need:

  • Clay
  • Coal or any fuel

Players can find Clay in shallow water bodies and places near water where sand, gravel and dirt is present.

Coal can be found by mining underground with a pickaxe.

Terracotta in Minecraft
Clay to Terracotta

Players can then put the two items inside a Furnace in the manner shown above to make a uncolored Terracotta in Minecraft.

Terracotta in Minecraft
Dyed Terracotta

Players can dye them using a variety of dyes to change its color. Players can then put the dyed Terracotta inside a Furnace and smelt it again to create a block of Glazed Terracotta!

Terracotta in Minecraft
Glazed Terracotta

These are all the steps on how to make Terracotta in Minecraft.

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