How to stop Cyberpunk Patch 1.1 from crashing

Cyberpunk was arguably one of the biggest releases of 2020. Fans had high expectations from CD Projekt Red. Unfortunately the game was plagued with bugs and glitches. Additionally the game ran horribly on last gen devices. The launch of cyberpunk clearly wasn’t as smooth as desired. The developers just released a patch titled 1.1. This patch the first of two major patches announced by them. In this article we will see How to stop Cyberpunk Patch 1.1 from crashing.
How to prevent Cyberpunk 1.1 crash
The newest patch, Patch 1.1 for Cyberpunk 2077 would cause the game to crash if users installed a specific mod. The Cyber Engine Tweaks mod for the game is among the most popular. The mod isn’t in sync with the latest patch for the game. Having this mod present when running the latest version of the game causes it to crash. Players must uninstall the mod from their game to prevent the crashes. Doing so is a bit tricky. Users must delete specific files to get the game working. Below are the locations of the files and folders that must be deleted.
- <cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/plugins/
- <cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/global.ini
- <cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/LICENSE
- <cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/version.dll
Delete the above files and run the game. Additionally you must also remove all the modded items you have in your inventory. If there is still trouble, a fresh install of cyberpunk 2077 will do the trick. That was our article regarding How to stop Cyberpunk Patch 1.1 from crashing.
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