Important Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Important Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Important Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Important Health Benefits of Pomegranate

There are a lot of health benefits of pomegranate, the red rich fruit or also called as the divine fruit of the season.

Pomegranate has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties and is said to be a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid.

It contains two compounds – punicalagin and punicic acid which give it all the potent benefits.

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In fact, you will be surprised to learn that the antioxidants present in pomegranates are almost three times higher than wine or green tea.

Eating pomegranates on a daily basis, or drinking the juice can be an excellent aid for your immunity, fight Type-2 diabetes, keep blood pressure in check, smoothen digestion and make your skin glow too.

Some of the important health benefits of pomegranate are,

It Thins Your Blood

It Thins Your Blood

Antioxidants present in pomegranate act as a ‘thinner for your blood’.

The seeds of pomegranate prevent your blood platelets from forming clots and coagulating.

There are two types of blood clots, first is the good one which speeds the recovery during a cut or an injury and second is when there is any internal clot, like in heart, arteries or anywhere else inside the body.

These type of clots are not good and can be fatal.

Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases.

This includes heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity.

Pomegranates have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins.

If you are interested in reducing inflammation in your body, pomegranate is an excellent addition to your diet.

Prevention of Atherosclerosis

Prevention of Atherosclerosis

With increasing age and the type of lifestyle we live, the walls of our arteries become harder due to cholesterol, resulting in blockages sometimes.

Given that the plant compounds in pomegranate have anti-inflammatory effects, it makes sense that they could help treat arthritis.

The anti-oxidant property of pomegranate prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing.

So, eating pomegranates removes the excess fat and prevents the hardening of artery walls.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is currently the world’s most common cause of premature death.

It’s a complicated disease, driven by many different factors.

Punicic acid, the main fatty acid in pomegranate, may help protect against several steps in the heart disease process.

Effects of pomegranate juice in people with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol show significant reductions in “bad” LDL cholesterol, as well as other improvements.

One research analysis concluded that pomegranate juice reduces high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

It Improves Memory

It Improves Memory

There is some evidence that pomegranate can improve memory.

A study was conducted where people who had a problem with their memory were given 237ml of pomegranate juice every day.

After a certain period of time, a lot of improvement was seen in their verbal and visual memory.

In fact, another experiment done on mice shows that pomegranate consumption can also prevent Alzheimer’s. But the experiment is yet to be done on humans.

Also Read: What are the Health Benefits of Oranges?