Jett Bugs are Finally Fixed: No More Extended Gun Pullout Animation

Jett Bugs are Finally Fixed
Riot Games were under a lot of heat after there were some unintentional Jett changes in Valorant. Jett Bugs are Finally Fixed after 5 days, players who stopped playing Jett can hop in the maps with Jett again.
Jett Bugs are Finally Fixed

As soon as October 19 patch went live, Valorant players especially Jett mains noticed there is something off with Jett.
“Jett just got nerfed and I don’t think it was intentional by Riot,” Valorant pro C0M tweeted. “I think the weapon takes a lot longer to take out than it did before, when you dash it takes a full second to pull out her weapon.”
Shortly, Riot acknowledged the bus and tweeted out, “Jett’s weapon equip out from her dash (Tailwind) is currently longer than intended and Updraft costs more than it should. These are bugs, but not severe enough (game-breaking/competitive integrity) to risk a Patch redeploy, so it’s possible a fix won’t go out until Patch 3.09.”
After 5 days, Jett Bugs are Finally Fixed. Riot Games confirmed on Twitter that a fix for the Jett bugs was finally deployed on October 26.
Now you can dash in enemies’ faces with a shotgun again. Some of the pros were suggesting that these changes can finally balance Jett and Riot should keep these changes.
Also Read: How to hide account level in Valorant easily after Patch 3.08.