Krafton bans more than 2.5 million BGMI hackers, reveals further steps to curb down hackers

Krafton gives major update on BGMI hackers
Amidst the arrival of PUBG New State, there’s a piece of good news for Indian gamers as Krafton has shared a positive update on BGMI hackers. In a recent post, the officials informed its fan base that it has banned more than 2.5 million hackers in Battlegrounds Mobile India and also revealed some of the major steps that are going to curb down hackers.
Over the recent months, BGMI had been hogging the limelight in the Indian gaming community primarily due to issue of numerous hackers that have placed a firm grip in the game. We saw renowned content creators and professional players expressing their dissatisfaction with the hackers as they continue to ruin most of the classic matches. Even after banning of accounts, hackers seemed to be proliferating in the game mindlessly. Let us see what steps have been taken by the officials in order to counter BGMI hackers.
Krafton’s next steps to eliminate BGMI hackers

Welcomed by a positive response, the Indian gamers had kept a lot of expectations from Battlegrounds Mobile India as they were finally able to return to their virtual battlegrounds and explore the ruins of Erangel once more. However, as time passed by, the Indian rebrand of PUBG Mobile became a hub of hackers and all efforts taken by Krafton went in vain as the incidents of hacking didn’t fall down.
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"Cheaters have no place in BGMI and in order to provide a fair gameplay environment to our players, we’ve been taking severe measures to remove cheaters from the game. Yes, we are aware that many players ran into cheaters even after we made our previous announcement on Sep 30th."

In a response to several players who had been asking for the permanent ban of a significant number of hackers, Krafton released the above statement in their social media channels and official website. Moreover, it has also been revealed that from October 10th- November 1, a total of 2,519,692 accounts have faced a permanent ban whereas 706,319 accounts have been banned temporarily.
Along with that, some other measures have been taken so that Battlegrounds Mobile India gets rid of hackers and cheaters and a fair gameplay environment is created for every player. The four new steps taken have mentioned below:
Stronger Cheat Detection and Banning Mechanism: A stronger anti-cheat system has been brought to eliminate hackers in real time.
Permabans: All the accounts caught using cheating tools or hacks will face a permanent ban in the game
Manual verification and banning of accounts that promote illegal programs among high-rankers: The officials will scrutinise the accounts who are placed at high ranks to find out whether any illegal program has been used or not.
Blocking YouTube channels: Monitoring youtube channels that promote the use of hacks and illegal programs and blocking them immediately
With the strict measures being taken, players can expect that the incidents of hackers in BGMI will fall down steeply and players will again gain interest in the game.
Also Read: BGMI x Arcane collaboration: How to get the Hextech Crystal Scar-L skin in BGMI?