LeBron James criticism will see Skip Bayless facing Gilbert Arenas soon as ex-All Star throws down gauntlet

Skip Bayless got called out by the former NBA player Gilbert Arenas for his constant criticism of LeBron James.

LeBron James criticism will see Skip Bayless facing Gilbert Arenas soon as ex-All Star throws down gauntlet

Gilbert Arenas, Skip Bayless and LeBron James

Skip Bayless has dedicated almost 20 years to criticizingΒ LeBron James, but the numbers show a different picture. James recently became the first player in NBA history to achieve 50,000 career points. Despite this remarkable accomplishment, Bayless has remained LeBron’s fiercest critic.

Gilbert Arenas, a former Golden State Warriors standout, is now stepping up to challenge Bayless on his strong criticism of James. For context, Bayless posted on X praising James’ recent historic achievement in the NBA. However, Arenas was not happy with Bayless’ two-faced nature and called him out for that. Arenas made his views clear on his self-titled show.

When you want to talk facts against someone like me, you use all the facts not what you want to pinpoint right, so when you want to pinpoint something to make a point that is hard to do when we talk about all of basketball.

Gilbert Arenas said

Bayless immediately resorted to social media and officially challenged Arenas to a discussion. He stated that he does his ‘homework’ and is ready for an all-out back and forth with Arenas on his channel, something that the fans are excited about.

FS Video

On the other hand, it appears Agent Zero had been anticipating this time. Arenas praised Skip Bayless, saying he respects the veteran commentator and is familiar with his work. In his most recent video, he appears to challenge Bayless, declaring that he would return with his point about James vs. Jordan. All attention now drifts toward the next Bayless/Arenas video regarding the beef.

Skip Bayless issues stern warning to Gilbert Arenas

Bayless has chastised LeBron James for years, refusing to recognize him as the greatest. This prompted Gilbert Arenas to call him out, questioning his firm position. Bayless did not take long to respond. He first took to X to issue a stern warning to the former NBA player and later released a 15-minute video titled ‘Skip fires back at Gilbert Arenas.’

I’M GOING TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE IF NOBODY ELSE WILL. That means you, Gilbert Arenas. You PLAYED pro basketball but I’m not sure you know or understand pro basketball the way I do.

Skip Bayless wrote on X

But Arenas wasn’t finished. He responded with a video of his own, turning up the heat. He wasn’t about to allow Bayless to pretend to have more knowledge of the game than him. Moreover, Arenas appears to be working on a “Little Rollout Plan” to permanently shut down Bayless.

Skip Bayless and Gilbert Arenas are set to take their beef one step further

After Gilbert Arenas chimed back towards Skip Bayless’ video, the former NBA player reportedly contacted Bayless. As per the NBA analyst, Arenas got in touch with him to put an end to this back-and-forth beef once and for all. Bayless once again took to X to open up on the details regarding this matter.

Gilbert Arenas has responded to me. It sounds like we might do a 1 on 1 home and home, my show/his show, debating/discussing LeBron. Can’t wait.

Skip Bayless wrote on X

This move fuels an already heated debate. In his own video, Arenas made it clear that this was more than simply another disagreement; it was a breakdown, and he planned to make every moment count.