Michael Jordan’s 23XI Racing slams NASCAR for “predatory practices” over charter agreement saga

23XI Racing investors are not standing down over the stand off with NASCAR because of the refusal to sign the new charter agreement.

Michael Jordan’s 23XI Racing slams NASCAR for “predatory practices” over charter agreement saga

Denny Hamlin and Michael Jordan (Via IMAGO)

Coming into the 2024 season, one of the biggest storylines was how long it would take NASCAR sign a new charter deal with the team. But now the negotiations have entered unchartered and dangerous territory with the two teams, 23XI Racing and Front Row Motorsports, refusing to sign the deal for the 2025 to 2031 period while others inked the contract.

Michael Jordan’s 23XI Racing has been the most vocal about how unfair the deal is and are determined to fight NASCAR. The team’s co-investor alongside Denny Hamlin and Jordan, Curtis Polk has recently made some bold statements. He pointed out that NASCAR’s new contract offer refused them basic rights and didn’t give them a fair opportunity.

The contract offer took away essential rights, and we believe that all teams, including those who signed, may not have been given a true opportunity to negotiate or fully understand the implications of the contract terms.
Curtis Polk told AP.

He went onto state that NASCAR is still using the predatory practices Big Bill was using in the 1960’s in his tenure to keep teams in the line and take advantage of them. With NASCAR giving teams just hours to sign the new contract, it’s doesn’t give 23XI no option but to fight back.

This isn’t the 1960s and these predatory practices do not withstand scrutiny.
Curtis Polk added.

Curtis Polk asserts 23XI are David facing Goliath

The Toyota team investor went on to draw parallels between the NASCAR-23XI stand off and the David vs Goliath fight. He pointed out that they are in a similar position as NASCAR has superior bargaining power in the negotiations and undue influence charters.

Curtis Polk
NASCAR has consistently refused to deal with 23XI – these negotiations, we are David facing Goliath. NASCAR has superior bargaining power and undue influence over the sport and the charter process.
Curtin Polk said.

The civil war is going to make a lot of changes in the sport if it is not ended the right way. 23XI Racing seems to be convinced that they can easily get the upper hand on NASCAR if things take the legal route and this might force other teams to explore such options as well, and this can change NASCAR forever, so one of the two has made some adjustments to make the sport better.

In case you missed it: