Minecraft Chicken Egg: Uses, how to get and more!

Minecraft Chicken Egg: Uses, how to get and more!

Minecraft Chicken Egg (image via. minecraft.net)

Minecraft has a variety of items that the players can obtain in the world and use them to make a variety of items. Here is all about the Minecraft Chicken Egg, which deceptively has its uses in the game as well.

Eggs are completely the same in Minecraft as they are in real life. They are laid by Chickens and also is used in making a variety of food items. They can even hatch into baby chickens so that players can create a farm for unlimited supply of food. Finding them might be a bit hard without knowing the method that they drop.

Here is all about the Minecraft Chicken Egg and how to make food with it.

Minecraft Chicken Egg

Minecraft Chicken Egg
Minecraft Chicken Egg (image via. sportskeeda)

Chicken Eggs are an item that is dropped by Chickens found in the Overworld and is mainly used in crafting complex food items.

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How to get a Chicken Egg?

YouTube video
YouTube: iDeactivateMC

Players can find them from a Chicken and they naturally drop one every 5-10 minutes. However, the mean average time for an egg is one every 7.5 minutes. This means players simply need to be near a chicken for a while and wait till one egg drops.

Eggs can also be found from Chest Loot from Villages which have a Fletcher house. Foxes are also spawned sometimes while holding an egg in its mouth. Players can either kill them or give them a food item drop to make it release the Egg.

Uses for the Egg

Minecraft Chicken Egg
Minecraft Cake (image via. progameguides.com)

Eggs are mostly a food crafting item that can be used in making complex food items like Cake and Pumpkin Pies. These are one of the best food items in the game currently.

Interestingly, players can also use them in Combat by throwing them at mobs an other players. They deal zero damage but they can aggro mobs.

Eggs can also spawn chickens when they are thrown by hand or by dispensers and they break on the ground. This is very rare as they have a 12.5% chance of doing this. On an even rarer chance, three chickens can spawn from the same egg which is only a 3% chance.

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