Minecraft Igloo: Location, loot and more!

Minecraft Igloo: Location, loot and more!

Minecraft Igloo: All you need to know! (image via. YouTube: TokoBuilds)

Minecraft has a ton pf naturally generated structures that the players can find across all the biomes and in every dimensions. Here are all the features for the Minecraft Igloo which is a rare snowy biome structure in the game.

Naturally generated structures are one of the most exciting areas in the game as they give the players the chance to fight monsters and find treasures and more. The snowy biomes are one of the most desolate in the game with some villages and very rarely an Igloo!

Here is all about the Minecraft Igloo and what players can find inside them.

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Minecraft Igloo

Minecraft Igloo
Minecraft Igloo (image via. Sportskeeda)

Igloos are naturally generated structures that are found in the snowy biomes and are made up of snow blocks.

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They are only generated in snowy tundra, snowy taiga and snowy slope biomes and will spawn as a single structure.


YouTube video
YouTube: RajCraft

The outside of the Minecraft Igloo are made up of snow blocks and the inside is made up of white carpet with a Bed, a Furnace and a Crafting Table inside it.

There is a 50% chance of an Igloo to spawn with a basement under it. These will have a Oak Trapdoor under the Carpet and a ladder leading down to the Basement. The Basement is made up of Stone Blocks and consists of a brewing stand, a cauldron, chest and prison room. The Brewing Stand consists of Splash Potion of Weakness.

The prison room are guarded by Iron Bars and there is one villager and one Zombie Villager in them. The Zombie Villager can be cured using a golden apple and a splash Potion of weakness.


Minecraft Igloo
Basement of Igloo (image via. Reddit u/ zeroexev29)

The Chest in the Igloo have a chance to contain any of these items:

  • Golden Apple
  • Coal
  • Apple
  • Wheat
  • Gold Nugget
  • Rotten Flesh
  • Stone Axe
  • Emerald

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Also read: How to make Iron Bars in Minecraft?