Minecraft Live 2021 may contain new Minecraft Mob Vote!

Minecraft Live 2021 (image via. Minecraft.net)
Minecraft is a open-world sandbox game with many adventure and survival features and the game is looking forward to the Caves and Cliffs update Part II. Here we take a look at the Minecraft Live 2021 and the possibility of a new Minecraft Mob Vote!
Minecraft has recently been rolling out updates quite frequently, with the Caves and Cliffs part I being the latest one. The developers have decided to add a short 1.19 update after the Caves and Cliffs Part II is done with, later this year. The news comes that another official Minecraft Live 2021 will be held in which further details will be discussed about the new big update.
Minecraft Live 2021: New Spectacular Changes for 1.19

Mobs in Minecraft are a huge part of the game as they give character to the otherwise empty biomes of the game. They are the primary sources of sustenance and drops and players can get a variety of items, food and EXP from them.
Related: Top 5 things to be added in the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 2!

The Minecraft Live 2021 is declared to be held live across the world on 16th October, 2021. The teaser video has announced that the livestream will be streamed live across Facebook, YouTube and Twitch and players can expect a variety of spectacular new changes.
This can differ for some eastern continents due to the varying time zones and they may stream it on 17th October 2021.
Minecraft Mob Vote

However, the biggest point of interest for the players seem to be the Minecraft Mob Vote for 2021. This vote will pick the next mob that will be added to the game and players from all over the world get to decide what they want to see next in the game!
The Mob vote will feature, presumably, 3 choices and players can likewise vote for their favourites. Players can look forward to this poll very soon as the month of October is right around the corner.
However, many Minecraft content creators have requested the players to vote seriously and not to pick an useless mob. This stems from the joke that most people pick the most useless mob to meme the community. In the last update, this mob was the Glow Squid which is pretty similar to the normal squid, except it, well glows.
The Minecraft Live event is always a show to look forward to for the Minecraft Community as this decides the future of the game from this point onwards!
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Also read: Top 5 features for the Warden in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update part 2!