Minecraft Shipwreck: Generation, Loot and more!

Minecraft Shipwreck: All you need to know! (image via. YouTube: Folli)
Naturally generated structures bring a breath of exploration and fresh air to the otherwise boring landscape of Minecraft. Here is one such structure called the Minecraft Shipwreck and we discuss all that is to be known about them!
Naturally generated structure are found throughout all the dimensions of Minecraft including the Overworld, End Dimensions and the Nether biomes. The Overworld has the maximum number of structures and they generate in almost all the biomes of the world including under oceans and on beaches.
Here is all you need to know about the Minecraft Shipwreck structure in the game.
Minecraft Shipwreck

Shipwrecks are a naturally generated structures that are a broken pieces of a Ancient ship and are found in and around aquatic biomes.
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Minecraft Shipwrecks are generated around ocean biomes and in some cases they can also generate on land around water sources. In very rare cases they can generate alongside ocean monuments and underwater ruins.
Structures Generated

Shipwrecks are made completely out of wooden planks, doors, fences and stairs. They will resemble a broken Ship from ancient times that have have been sunken or beached on land.
They have the mast, stern, bow complete with a great hull in some cases if they generate completely untouched. However, in most of the occurrences they will generate badly damaged with massive pieces of it missing. They are composed entirely with wood and therefore easily broken using an Axe.
Each Shipwreck has a chance of spawning 3 chests in 3 different locations of the ship. The chests and locations are:
- Supply Chests in the Bow
- Treasure Chest in the Stern
- Map Chest in the Bottom section
However, the Chests might be missing in some of the Shipwrecks if the section is badly damaged.
The three Chests in the Minecraft Shipwreck have a chance to spawn different items. Here are some of the loot tables for all the three chests:
Supply Chest
- Suspicious Stew
- Paper
- Wheat
- Carrot
- Enchanted Leather Armor
- Pumpkins
Treasure Chest
- Emerald
- Lapis Lazulli
- Gold
- Bottle o’Enchanting
- Diamonds
- Iron
Map Chest
- Buried Treasure Map
- Paper
- Books
- Compass
- Clocks
- Empty Maps
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