Naomi Osaka has a heart to heart about her sensei Kobe Bryant

Naomi Osaka had a special bond with Kobe Bryant. Kobe the 5 time NBA Champion, the legend, was the guru and Osaka the apostle.
Osaka too isn’t your average confident young woman. She is different and she does things her own way. And one thing is for certain, you will never get a lot of words out of Naomi Osaka. The tennis superstar is extremely reticent when it comes to most things. But when it came to Kobe Bryant, she was more than willing to share.
The advice from Kobe Bryant

In an interview Osaka spoke about the exact things that Kobe had told her when the two had met, she said “I remember he told me ‘Imagine that you’re a lion and you’re hunting your prey. So you see a deer off in the distance. And if you watch Animal Planet, you always see the lions looking at their prey, and they have gnats around their eyes. Think of the media and the press as gnats, and you’re the lion, so never get distracted. And you never see the lion trying to swat away the flies or anything like that.’”
In her last game Osaka had a butterfly come and sit on her, some said its a sign for Kobe himself. Kobe Bryant is more than a man. Kobe is an idea, and ideas never die.
Interview between Osaka and Bryant.