“Why don’t you worry about the Civil Rights in US?” Charles Barkley attacks his own country while defending $620 Million Saudi Arabia backed LIV Golf

“Why don’t you worry about the Civil Rights in US?” Charles Barkley attacks his own country while defending $620 Million Saudi Arabia backed LIV Golf

Charles Barkley’s fearless nature and unfiltered words are the primary ingredients which had made Inside the NBA, one of the best sports talk shows in the world. But as one rightly knows, ‘With great power comes great responsibility,’ this significantly is something which has landed the ‘93 MVP in some hot water yet again. On a recent occasion Barkley decided to question the Civil Rights in America. 

Most of you would be aware that Charles Barkley is just inches away from making his way into the Saudi Arabia backed LIV Golf’s universe. There are obvious reasons why a new league supported and funded by billionaires would want to sway a sports media personality like- Barkley. His name and aura carry enough more engagement as to one can imagine. 

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Why did Charles Barkley attack his own nation? 

Charles Barkley taking Golfing ideas
Charles Barkley

LIV Golf is the latest to put down the gauntlet against the PGA. They have swayed handful of golfers to join their side of the camp and they are taking a swing at Charles Barkley. They have reportedly put a $75 million offer on the table. Barkley is looking ever closer to accepting that deal. His latest comments defending the Saudi Arabia group, all but confirm his interest. The fact that he has asked Americans to look at civil rights before commenting on the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia seems like something only Barkley could say.

Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley

Whether it is the Black Live Matter movement or the overturn of Roe V Wade, there have been multiple cases where the civil rights of the American citizens have been put under questions. Citing which, Charles Barley said, “Everybody picks and chooses. I just think it’s funny they’re more worried about civil rights in Saudi Arabia, a place 99.9 percent of people in the United States have never been and all of a sudden, they’re worried about civil rights in Saudi Arabia. That kind of gives me a chuckle. I say you don’t worry about civil rights of people here in the United States. 

“But all of a sudden when guys start taking (the) money you’re like ‘I’m more worried about civil rights in Saudi Arabia.’ And that just makes me laugh. … Why don’t y’all worry about civil rights here in the United States, let’s worry about that before we worry about what’s going on in Saudi Arabia?” 

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That being said, on one hand where Saudi Arabia has a long way to go before establishing itself as a country with human rights. However, the big Hall of Famer did make a valid point.

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