“Booker was allegedly acting SINGLE” Devin Booker being ‘very flirty’ much before break up with Kendall Jenner

Devin Booker and Kendall Jenner
After multiple failed stints, it did seem like supermodel Kendall Jenner has finally found the love-of-her-life in Phoenix Suns’ Devin Booker after the couple had spent two years with one another. However, the fans of the power couple have been left disappointed since Wednesday afternoon since the news of their break up has been revealed all over the indeed.
On the same note, fans have been inquiring about the reason for their split and it does seem like Devin Booker might have played a key role in getting the same outcome. According to a recent report, the Phoenix Suns star was ‘acting single’ before the news of his breakup with Kendall had been made public.
Devin Booker ‘acting flirty’ before breakup with Kendall

A source told In Touch Weekly in an article published on Wednesday, June 22, “Devin Booker was in Scottsdale two weekends ago being very flirty with some girls.” The insider added that he/she “didn’t see any kissing or anything” but the basketball player “was acting single.”
Another informant told the news outlet that Devin and Kendall “have been apart for a week or two now.” The so-called insider went on noting that they’re “taking space to work on their own lives at the moment.”

It does seem like both these spoken off personnel wanted different things in life and have decided to part ways against all odds. On one hand where their fans hopelessly are pleading for the reunion of the power couple. The other side, certain section in blatantly criticizing Booker for becoming a Casanova whilst being in a relationship with the supermodel. Although it seems like the couple might go to the ultimate distance, especially after the getaway break in Italy.
After major disappointment in the playoffs for two consecutive seasons for one of the modern-day great, at least he had the support of someone emotionally until now. But will we witness Booker and Kendall reworking on their relationship? Or have they decided to bid adieu for good? Remains to be seen.
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