“I was counting the hairs…” Kevin Hart’s risky joke about ‘bald’ LeBron James almost costed friendship with billionaire athlete

Kevin Hart once teased LeBron James' receding hairline and joked that they might not remain friends in the future.

“I was counting the hairs…” Kevin Hart’s risky joke about ‘bald’ LeBron James almost costed friendship with billionaire athlete

Kevin Hart had some hilarious jokes at the expense of LeBron James. (Image via Reality Check)

Kevin Hart does not spare anyone. Hart once playfully targeted his friend, NBA legend LeBron James, over his hairline on Reality Check. The audience erupted in laughter, but Kevin was sure ‘scared’ as he was unsure the two would continue to remain friends after the joke.

Kevin Hart often weaves made-up personal anecdotes into his acts, like this one on LeBron:

LeBron James, a real good friend of mine. Well, he was. He hasn’t heard this joke yet. We’ll see what happens. I remember in the beginning of LeBron’s career, he was going bald. His hair was real thin up top. You could count the hairs on top of his f***ing head.
YouTube video

Hart then proceeded to pretend to count the hair on LeBron James’ head, which had the audience dying with laughter. He struggled to discern even two strands of hair and declared that James’ head had a total of “two-ish” strands.

Naturally, Kevin Hart was bewildered to see LeBron three weeks later with a head full of hair at a wedding. He decided to confront LeBron about it, and even wanted to snatch whatever was on top of his head, but obviously couldn’t do that to the 6-foot-9 giant.

Kevin Hart attacked plastic surgery obsession on Reality Check

Kevin Hart hates how much plastic surgery has started to affect society in general. In the beginning, it was somewhat secretive, and all anyone used to get was a nose or b**b job. Now it’s everywhere, as Hart joked about a friend who wanted to get his forehead reduced like it was a “d*mn hat!”

Kevin Hart on his show Reality Check (Image via Netflix)

He also joked that any woman who gets the Brazilian Butt Lift surgery looks like a “f*ck**g” ant with a “big a** head, little neck, hard chest, skinny waist” and “fat a**”. This was when the comedian initially brought up LeBron James.

Considering their history and James’ overall personality, it’s unlikely that this playful jab would ruffle any feathers.

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