“I’ve been in his shoes before, it’s a damn struggle” Shaquille O’Neal defends Ben Simmons while fans bash his TERRIBLE shooting percentages

Ben Simmons
Ben Simmons after missing out the entirety of the previous season is making strides in order to have a great season this year, he is well motivated by his Brooklyn Nets teammate , Kevin Durant who in a recent interview said that Simmons should play more aggressive this season and that the team believes in him, however, During an open practice earlier this week, Simmons casually spun around and hit a shot while heading to midcourt. The effort completely missed the hoop. Unsurprisingly, the video was snipped and spread on the internet, ridiculing the Brooklyn Nets guard for his airball.

In recent years, he’s become accustomed to the never-ending internet criticism. That, in his opinion, is simply part of the terrain of being Ben Simmons. The Brooklyn Nets guard discussed the tape with ESPN’s Nick Friedell during an interview “The other day, there was a clip of me airballing a shot at the park. Meanwhile, like, 10 guys airballed multiple shots. So, it’s like people will find one clip. … Like, come on, man, you think I’m just airballing every shot? It’s not true. “But it comes with it, and you got to have tough skin, and I realize that, but, nah, I can’t take everything personally. It’s social media.”
Shaquille O’Neal understands Ben Simmons’ struggle with free throws

Shaq, at seven feet tall, sees parallels in Ben Simmons’ problems at the free throw line. The four-time champion, on the other hand, urges the Nets guard to remain brave, stating the following. “Ben doesn’t say much, but I wish him well.” “I know he’s going through some personal issues, but I know you have to have the mental toughness to reach to the next level,” stated the Big Diesel. “It’s alright to be terrified, you think, I wasn’t scared after missing 9 free throws in a row and everyone’s laughing at me, gotta shot it,” he says.
Simmons appears to be in a decent mental state as the season approaches its conclusion. Simmons considers the constant chirping to be a “respect thing” after receiving much criticism in recent years. “Because people know what I can do, what I’m capable of,” Simmons said. “I believe that’s what it is. Like, if I was somebody that wasn’t capable of doing certain things, I don’t think people would be on my ass as much. And I don’t mind it, because it kind of motivates me in a way. “As the season rapidly approaches, only time will tell whether Simmons will be able to silence the noise and help the Nets win a championship.
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