“He was the biggest, strongest and craziest PF” Shaquille O’Neal reveals why he took inspiration from Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O’Neal is the most dominant force ever in league’s history and there’s no doubt about it. As of now, he’s getting himself another career but in the music industry as a DJ and his stage name is DJ Diesel. His never-ending love for the game of basketball though still has him around the league as an analyst for NBA on TNT. Doing all of this isn’t really possible if you are not rightly motivated and inspired especially when you get yourself a Hall of Fame career while playing Ball. So recently, Shaquille O’Neal revealed his inspiration which had him destroying his opponents and rivals on the floor as he wasn’t that forgiving and merciful when he entered the paint. The guy who inspired the beast was a beast himself back in his days and one of the very first global stars of basketball, Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

Shaquille O’Neal getting inspired by Kareem Abdul Jabbar is very expected. As both of them have destroyed the paint in their days and had very similar but different game-style. Kareem Abdul Jabbar was a real hunter in his days at 7’2”, Shaquille O’Neal though was an inch smaller than him but the domination was the same as he was a bigger guy in the league. Both of them are Hall of Famers and easily some of the best big men in the league. Also, their attack was unguardable and we will probably not see generational talents like them anytime sooner. Both of them were complete packages but honestly, Shaq was just stronger to be held anywhere.
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Shaquille O’Neal reveals Kareem Abdul Jabbar to be the guy who inspired him

Shaquille O’Neal talking about his inspiration, Kareem Abdul Jabbar in an interview with MARCA appreciatingly quoted: “Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was always a big inspiration to me. Not only because he was a Laker, but he was also one of the biggest, strongest, craziest power forwards that played in that time. Period.” DJ Diesel is absolutely right with his words here as today we are forgetting Kareem’s unachievable greatness and the heroics he has showcased back in his days. He’s surely a member of the G.O.A.T conversation but we just don’t want to add him.

Further Shaquille O’Neal showing off his respect for the master of Skyhook quoted: “I watched him. I learned from him, but to be honest, I probably talked to Kareem a total of three minutes while he was in the league. It would be interesting to study how many times you show respect on the court and don’t do the same verbally. He was a unique and unrepeatable player.” Both the players are Lakers Legends and have made it big and will always be remembered. As not only Kareem but even Shaq was a unique and unrepeatable player.