Vanessa Bryant’s final demand as Kobe Bryant crash photos trial ends

Vanessa Bryant
Vanessa Bryant has filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. As a deputy and firefighter who reached at the helicopter crash scene clicked and shared photos of Kobe Bryant’s remains. Black Mamba was on his way to a girls’ basketball tournament with his daughter and the rest of the team. But unfortunately, due to some errors a crash was caused and we lost Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and seven others too. That was the worst day of life for Vanessa Bryant as she lost her loving husband and young daughter in the crash. And, now she has to fight the department itself for the photo leaks from the crash site.

Even Chris Chester has sided with Vanessa Bryant and is a part of the lawsuit filed. His attorney Jerry Jackson attacking the defendants in the trial has quoted: “I’m not going to start this fight, but I’m going to finish it. And they did it cruelly. They did it inhumanely and then they laughed about it, lied about it, and tried to cover it up. They couldn’t keep their stories straight.” Vanessa Bryant was left in tears when she heard about the photos being allegedly shown to others who have no business with it just for a laugh. In her testimony she has also mentioned that she felt “blindsided, devastated, hurt and betrayed” by the photo leak. During the closing, the lawyers gave away an amount which they are seeking in their lawsuit as it’s the department that is responsible for the leaks.
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Vanessa Bryant and Chris Chester have asked the defendants to pay $75 million in damages

Chris Chester’s lawyer has asked the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to pay $75 million in damages. Reports claim it to be for Vanessa Bryant’s family too but her lawyer didn’t open any figure in the courtroom. As for her the fight is not about the money but the photo leaks of Kobe Bryant’s and her daughter’s remains. As she earlier has mentioned: “I don’t ever want to see these photographs. I want to remember my husband and my daughter the way they were.” A decision will be made soon as the closing arguments have been made and everyone now just hopes that justice is served to the great ones.
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