“You changed the game, it’s your fault!” Giannis Antetokounmpo hilariously shouts out to blame Stephen Curry for the FLOP Slam Dunk Contest

Stephen Curry and Giannis Antetokounmpo
Giannis Antetokounmpo and Stephen Curry were one of the many witnesses of the 2022 NBA Slam Dunk show held in Cleveland which was nothing less than a complete disaster and a failure in terms of the kind of reactions it amassed on social media and even from the audience present in the arena courtside, watching it as if they were in nothing less than a serious meeting where their boss was yelling at them. In fact, even faces like the ones of Shaquille O’Neal couldn’t smile even once and it looked as if he had had enough of everything that he had seen, ranging from failed attempts, to the worst possible dunks.

Giannis Antetokounmpo unlike everyone else found a different reason for the failure or rather call it the disaster of the NBA Slam Dunk Contest 2022 in the depths of the playing style that has changed in the NBA which somewhat as considered by people all around the world is due to Stephen Curry. Giannis managed to connect the dots and found the precise reason for why the participants of the dunk contest performed terribly, which resulted in nothing less than a boring show with people yawning in the arena and the ones at home going back to sleep.
Let us take a closer look at what went down as Giannis Antetokounmpo found the perfect moment to hilariously blame Steph Curry for the failure of the Slam Dunk Contest and what he implied when he said that it was Curry’s fault as he couldn’t do anything but laugh.
Giannis Antetokounmpo blames Stephen Curry for the failure of the Slam Dunk Contest

As the 2022 NBA Slam Dunk Contest was coming to an end, people could do nothing but laugh and cringe at the state of the contest as it was nothing less than a flop show and a failure with players taking several attempts to make lame dunks, players choosing the worst dunks to make and them literally creating no hype around their dunks in order to make them successful. It felt as if the ones watching were kept captive to forcefully watch something that was unbearable in comparison to its previous editions.
The NBA Slam Dunk contest is known for its hype, the thunderous dunks, the loud reactions people give to those dunks, the screaming, the shouting, the dancing, the faces of the judges and every other little thing that makes it special. The worst part is that the Slam Dunk contest this year missed every single thing that a Dunk Conest should have, including dunks itself, with players being unable to do things that they were there for.
Giannis Antetokounmpo identified the fundamental problem which was the cause for this flop show and it’s disaster, and the reason according to Giannis was Stephen Curry and his skill of shooting 3-pointers which have changed the way in which the game has been played. Stephen Curry’s clinical 3-point shooting performances have had great impact on games, almost singlehandedly changing their face, which is why players these days go for 3-point shooting techniques and are almost getting rid of dunking. Players and coaches have taken inspiration from Curry’s performances in order to bring about the changes in their games and go after winning matches.
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Giannis Antetokounmpo who himself ahs brought about a lot many changes in his game and has gone after shooting threes has personally witnessed the change in the playing styles of these players who went from massive dunks to silent threes and therefore, he was able to connect the dots between the failure of the event to its cause, Stephen Curry.
NBA Slam Dunk Contest 2022, a complete disaster

The NBA Dunk Contest featured players like Obi Toppin, who became Dunk Contest champion this year keeping in mind the below par performance by other players, Jalen Green from the Houston Rockets, who was disqualified in the very first round after multiple failed attempts to make a simple dunk, Juan Toscano Anderson from the Golden State Warriors and Cole Anthony from the Orlando Magic.
The NBA Dunk Contest this year was below par in all departments and even faces like Shaquille O’Neal who are usually seen overtly excited for each and every dunk or even it’s preparation seemed as if he was in a meeting and he couldn’t even flinch. What was more important to notice was that the stars who came out in order to see the player perform were laughing on the show put out by the NBA and we’re also cringing at certain moments which were nothing but boring.
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