New Cobra Party Event in Free Fire and All you need to know

New Cobra Party Event in Free Fire and All you need to know

Garena Free Fire is currently running its seasonal event called the “Project Cobra”. The developers have given players the opportunity to obtain numerous items for free as part of the event. This time, the project is back with something new. It has launched the New Cobra Party Event in Free Fire. This party event includes many exclusive items and the players are really looking forward to acquire these items. Here is the complete details of the event and the list of grand prizes available in the event.

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New Cobra Party Event : All you need to know about it

Free Fire is back on track with its all-new party event. This event includes many legendary prizes introduced to the game on behalf of the seasonal event going on. Fans are excited to see the launch of the exclusive Cobra Strike Gloo Wall. The grand prizes of the event are listed below:

FS Video
  • Gloo Wall- Cobra Strike
  • Cobra Surfboard
  • Pan- King Cobra
  • Cobra Loot Box
  • Strike Parachute

Furthermore, there are certain rules to follow to obtain all the grand prizes in the event. So here are some rules to participate in the New Cobra Party Event:

  1. There are two types of spins – Normal Spin and the Special Spin. Normal spin has a lower chance whereas the Special spin has a higher chance to obtain the Cobra items in Free Fire.
  2. A Normal spin will cost 20 diamonds while the first Special spin costs 49 and other subsequent spins will cost 90 diamonds.
  3. Every 5th Super Spin guarantees an unowned Cobra Collection item until you own all 5 grand prizes.
  4. Any duplicate items are further converted to exchange tokens.

Along with the Grand Prizes, the event also gives players the opportunity to acquire normal collection items as well. It can be obtained either through a normal or special spin.The event duration is from 26th February to 4th March 2021. This was all about the new Cobra Party Event in Free Fire.

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