When 21 year old Tom Bradytold his parents “I’m going to be a F***ING household name”

The legendary status that is now associated with the name Tom Brady wasn’t always like that. Early on in his football career, Brady had to battle the odds just to find himself on an NFL roster.
Having started only 2 seasons with the Michigan Wolverines in college, Brady didn’t quite get the time to show NFL scouts what he was really about. In the NFL combine, he’s best known for being the ‘skinny white kid’ who ran unbelievably slowly and didn’t throw the ball like anyone special.
But, as we all know now, Brady worked his tail off to become the absolute best of the best. Something he knew he’d be, right from the start.
Tom Brady always knew he’d be a star

ESPN recently tweeted a preview of Tom Brady on his upcoming TV program, ‘Man in the Arena’ in which Brady said, “I had a confidence in me. I always felt like, even going back to Michigan I always said man, if they put me on the field, they’re never gonna take me off. I remember I was eating breakfast in Ann-Arbor after a game one day and my parents were in there with me and I said one day I’m gonna be a household name. And now looking back at it 23 years later, I’m a f***ing household name.”
Tom Brady has always been the hardest worker on the field and that was something he believed would carry him through life. And now, 7 Super Bowl rings later, I think it’s clear that it certainly has worked out for him.
The legend of Tom Brady was not built overnight. It took years and years of hard work and preparation for just one opportunity to prove himself. When that opportunity came, well like he said, they never took him off the field.