“Deep and meaningful story”: Aaron Rodgers’s latest tattoo gives us a peek into the quarterback’s love for astrology and the cosmos

Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers is definitely one of the most confusing quarterbacks out there, he is the Kyrie Irving of the NFL world as despite being immensely talented and having a one-in-a-billion arm, it is hard to gauge what is going on in his mind. Rodgers recently went through a split with actress Shailene Woodley, the duo almost tied the knot before they figured that they weren’t made for one another.
Rodgers has since then started seeing another girl, this one could be the one for the quarterback. They both are not the easiest people in the world to read and share a lot of interests. The girl in question is Blu of Earth or Charlotte Brereton. The latest tattoo that AR12 got, in all likelihood had something to do with her. She has either drawn up that design for Rodgers or the meaning behind it is very well known to her.
Aaron Rodgers is making us scratch our heads trying to decipher the story behind his latest ink:

The latest tattoo that Rodgers got is located on his left forearm, just a glance at it and you will be able to tell that it definitely has something to do with astrology and mythical beings. A single eye is seen overlooking the ocean and two lions. The eye is located within a triangle and maybe it has something to do with Illuminati, the secret organization but that is just speculation on our part.
In astrological terms, this tattoo has the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, Rodgers is one himself and the two lions seem to represent Leo. The single eye still remains a mystery, we also see Aquarius and Scorpio’s zodiac symbols there.
Aaron Rodgers revealed the tattoo by stating that each element of his new tattoo has a deep-rooted story behind it. “First tattoo. There’s a deep and meaningful story and connection to absolutely each element of this art piece, and I’ll share a little more about that one day,” the quarterback captioned the image of his tattoo and told that he will tell the story behind this at a later date.
Given the intricacies and deep-rooted meaning behind this tattoo, we cannot help but assume Charlotte has had some impact on this tattoo, the tattoo is made by Hungarian artist Balazs Bercsenyi. He has been spotted tagged on Blu’s official social media handles on numerous occasions.
What do you think is the real meaning behind Rodgers’ latest tattoo? Let us know!