“Everyone looked up to him” Mississippi High School footballer Travis Jones Fatally shot in a drive-by shooting

Travis Jones was a High School senior who had a bright future in front of him. The 18-year-old was unfortunately involved in a drive-by shooting, where he lost his life.
Jones was a starting defensive player who had more than 20 tackles in this season of High School football. According to police reports, the young footballer was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting. Police are still investigating the case.
Following Travis Jones’s death, the High School cancelled the football game that they had lined up against Philadelphia. “Due to unforeseen circumstances the football game against Philadelphia has been cancelled for tomorrow night,” Lake High School posted on Facebook. “Please be in prayer for our Lake community.”
According to many reports, Travis Jones was killed at a highway intersection on 80 and Johnston Town Road. Jones was alone in the car when the shooting happened. The case is under investigation at the Sheriff’s office as the culprits haven’t been found yet and the investigation is still underway.
Though there is no known cause for the shooting, Scott County’s Sheriff’s office is looking at all angles to quickly solve the case.
“He always had a smile on his face”: Friends and relatives pay tribute to the young Travis Jones

Travis Jones was gone too early and the 18-year-old couldn’t even complete his dream of playing in the NFL. Jones’ coach and family paid tribute to the young defensive player.
Travis Jones’ coach was highly emotional and always thought of Jones as an awesome kid. “He always had a smile on his face and had a contagious attitude,” Hanna said. “A kid that you just want to be around. He meant so much to the community and the school. He never had a bad day. He’s one of the kids that everybody looked up to.”
Travis Jones had a mature personality that was way ahead of his age. Jones was also loved by the surrounding community, therefore the news of his passing away came as a shock to everyone.
Jones’ High School also posted a tribute on their Facebook page for the young and brave boy. “It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the Lake Community experienced a tragic shooting incident on Thursday,” Lake High School released via Facebook.
“During the incident, a Lake High School student was killed and a Lake Middle School student was injured. I ask each of you to lift the Lake Community up in prayer. The Lake Community will be mourning the loss of a student while trying to support each other through this tragedy.”
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