‘Nothing happens during most cup races…,’ Hailie Deegan demands NASCAR introduce radical changes to accommodate the demands of young fans

Hailie Deegan
NASCAR has been working hard to acquire its share of the young fans population as the elite stoke car racing event is finding it hard to get new fans onboard to the sport owning to multiple factors. The major consumer of NASCAR content nowadays is the individuals who are above the age of 50 which is not sustainable for NASCAR survival in the long run.
Owing to this NASCAR has been introducing some radical changes to its traditional racing events, such as new superspeedways, exhibition races such as the LA Clash, and other cultural changes to distance itself from its discriminatory past. All these changes have made an impact as new fans are turning up to see the races for the first time but the numbers are not enough.
Hailie Deegan, one of the rising female NASCAR stars and the sole female representative in all the 3 NASCAR series has now come forth and tweeted her opinion’s on how NASCAR can attract more people to the sport.
Find out what Hailie Deegan tweeted

Hailie Deegan acknowledged that nothing happens often in NASCAR Cup Series Races until they hit the final stages which do not resonate with what the young generation wants. She backed her claim by saying the younger generation has a short attention span and went on to say that a lot of people don’t have 4 hours to invest on the whole 36 race days.
“Think about it. As a driver, you’re not gonna sit and ride for half the race if the length is shorter. Nothing happens during most cup races till the last stage for that reason. Also, if you want younger fans to take an interest, you have to keep in mind their attention span is shorter,” Hailie Deegan tweeted.
“Also, in my opinion, a lot of people don’t have 4 hours 36x a year to spend watching a race on tv,” Hailie Deegan added.
NASCAR should take Hailie Deegan’s opinion like many others into account as she is more connected to the young generation than most of the other drivers, as the young demography is still the final barrier to break for them. She has over five million followers on different social media platforms most of whom are young individuals which helps her to connect with them when NASCAR finds it hard to do so.
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