NXT Results 21/10/2020 – (NXT Tag Team Championship, Triple Threat Match)

NXT Results 21/10/2020 – (NXT Tag Team Championship, Triple Threat Match)

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Triple Threat Match – Kushida def. Velveteen Dream and Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa and Kushida in the Triple Threat Match

The NXT episode kicks off with the triple threat match. Ciampa attacks Velveteen Dream while he is making his entrance. Ciampa and Kushida double teamed on Dream. Dream’s wrist is injured and in a purple cast. Ciampa completely dominates, attacking the other two back-to-back. The action in this match continued outside as well as inside the ring. Dream hit Ciampa from his cast, knocking him unconscious. Kushida hits a German Suplex on unconscious Ciampa, for the win. WWE has been really pushing Kushida well.

Ember Moon defeats Jessi Kamea

Ember Moon and Jessi Kamea

Moon keeps on hitting Kamea down and taunting her. Moon hit a doubleknee facebuster, before applying an inverted sharpshooter, winning via submission.

While Moon is celebrating, Dakota Kai attacks her. She says Moon won’t be able to steal her spotlight. Seems like the beginning of a new feud.

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Bronson Reed def. Austin Theory

Bronson Reed and Austin Theory

The match had numerous successful counter-attacks from both the wrestlers. Reed went to the top rope, but Theory cuts him off. Theory tried to go for a Superplex, but Reed cuts him off. Reed punched down Theory and hit a huge Big Splash from the top rope for the win.

After the match, Theory grabs the microphone says that he is WWE and NXT’s future. He is aged 23, but has achieved much more than Reed, who has had a 15year long career. He won’t leave until he beats Reed.

Theory tries to attack, but Reed gives him a Samoan Drop for the win, again.

6-Man Tag Team Match- Legado Del Fantasma (NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza, and Joaquin Wilde) def. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Jake Atlas, and Ashtane “Thee” Adonis 

Legado Del Fantasma with Isaiah Scott, Jake Atlas and Ashtane Adonis

As the match begins Legado Del Fantasma gets out of the ring to taunt his opponents. Legado Del Fantasma surround the ring. Scott brawls with Escobar, Adonis and Atlas brawl with Mendoza and Wilde. It was a fasted paced, action-filled match. Wilde and Mendoza hit a kick to the face/side leg sweep combo for the win. But Jake Atlas’ move, Spanish Fly is bound to draw criticism. Considering it is as risky and painful for the executor, as it is for the receiver.

Ever-Rise (Chase Parker and Matt Martel) def. Drake Maverick and Killian Dain

Drake Maverick in the match against Ever-Rise

Maverick is super excited for the match. Dain is evidently disappointed from this team-up. Martel starts taunting Maverick that his partner Dain, is a loser like him. Maverick gets angry and tries to attack, but is pushed to the timekeeper’s area. Maverick takes a steel chair and attacks Martel. The referee calls for the bell, Ever-Rise wins via disqualification. Maverick continues with his chair shots. Dain slaps Maverick’s chest and says he is proud of him.

Kacy Catanzaro def. Xia Li

Kacy Catanzaro and Xia Li

Kacey Catanzaro is accompanied by Kacey Catanzaro. Catanzaro hit a corner clothesline, followed by a flipping leg drop for the win. Li attacks her from behind after the match, shouting she deserved to win. Raquel Gonzalez, runs in and attacks Li. Then she slams Carter and stands tall in the ring.

Timothy Thatcher def. Anthony

Timothy Thatcher and Anthony

Timothy Thatcher is in the ring for a live Thatch-As-Thatch-Can. He shows some moves, like a double wristlock on a student. The student, named Anthony get angry and challenges him to a fight. Thatcher attacks his ribs and makes him submit via single leg crab.

NXT Tag Team Championship Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch def. Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango)

New NXT Tag Team Champions with Pat McAfee

Bobby Fish isn’t fit to compete. Kyle O’Reilly has been cleared to compete. But, NXT General Manager, William Regal informs that the NXT Tag Team match is still on. Kyle replaces Fish in the match. Kyle complains that he cannot be a part of the match, and wants Lorcan and Burch to have a shot at the title.

Fandango starts against Oney Lorcan. When Fandango climbs the top rope, he is knocked down by a masked person. The referee is distracted and confused. Burch low blows Breeze. Lorcan and Burch hit a double-team DDT on Breeze for winning the Tag Team Championship.

The masked man comes in and celebrates with the New Champions. It is Pat McAfee. He proclaims Burch and Lorcan to be the Undisputed Champions.   

NXT Halloween Havoc airs on 28th Oct. 2020.  “Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal” is returning.

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