Olympic Agenda 2020+5 gets approved by the International Olympic Committee

Olympic Agenda 2020+5 gets approved by the International Olympic Committee

Tokyo Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) met on Friday and approved the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 as a guideline and a ‘roadmap’ for the Olympic Games till 2025. The newly re-elected president of the IOC, Thomas Bach confirmed the same when he informed reporters immediately after the IOC session that the agenda had been approved ‘unanimously’.

The Olympic Agenda 2020+5 consists of 15 recommendations which have developed by the IOC through ‘an inclusive and collaborative process’. They are reportedly based on the various trends that have been arising out of research in the area of sports in the times of the pandemic and post it as well. Broadly five trends have been identified by the agenda. They are Solidarity, Digitalisation, Sustainability, Credibility and Economic and financial resilience.

Thomas Bach talks of approval of the Olympic Agenda 2020+5

Thomas Bach
Thomas Bach

Thomas Bach spoke about the approval of the agenda today and said, “The coronavirus crisis has changed our world in fundamental ways. The world will never again be like it was before. Even once we have finally overcome the health crisis, we will face the far-reaching social, financial, economic and political consequences. As leaders of the Olympic Movement, we must prepare ourselves for this new world. In order to shape our future, we need a vision of how this new world will look like.”

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Continuing about the agenda, Bach said, “Olympic Agenda 2020+5 as our vision for the future of the Olympic Movement addresses these overarching trends. The aim is to build even more solidarity, to harness the positive potential of digitalisation, to be the impactful enabler to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to strengthen the credibility of the constituents of the Olympic Movement, and to join forces with other values- or purpose-driven organisations.”

“The 15 recommendations have been developed in a collaborative initiative, involving all stakeholders of the Olympic Movement, but especially with input and feedback from all of you, the IOC Members, in particular through your work and contribution in the different IOC Commissions. Olympic Agenda 2020+5 has been developed by all of us and therefore belongs to the entire Olympic Movement,” Bach signed off.

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